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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
With { -brand-name-windows } 10, { -brand-name-microsoft } introduced its { -brand-name-edge } browser to compete with { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-chrome }, making it the default browser pre-installed on millions of PCs sold. Even so, users were slow to adopt it and { -brand-name-microsoft } eventually announced plans to relaunch { -brand-name-edge } as a { -brand-name-chromium }-based browser ({ -brand-name-chromium } is { -brand-name-google }’s Open Source browser project). Since January of 2020, { -brand-name-microsoft }’s { -brand-name-chromium }-based { -brand-name-edge } has replaced the previous versions of { -brand-name-edge }. Although { -brand-name-edge } is now built on { -brand-name-google }’s { -brand-name-chromium }, a number of unique features do set it apart from { -brand-name-google }’s { -brand-name-chrome } browser.
Mei { -brand-name-windows } 10 hat { -brand-name-microsoft } de { -brand-name-edge }-browser yntrodusearre om te konkurrearjen mei { -brand-name-firefox } en { -brand-name-chrome }, wêrtroch it as yn it foar ynstallearre browser op miljoenen ferkochte PC’s de standertbrowser waard. Dochs begûnen brûkers net gau mei it gebrûk dêrfan, en { -brand-name-microsoft } kundige úteinlik plannen oan om { -brand-name-edge } as in op { -brand-name-chromium } basearre browser opnij te lansearjen. ({ -brand-name-chromium } is it open-sourcebrowserprojekt fan { -brand-name-google }). Sûnt jannewaris 2020 hat it op { -brand-name-chromium } basearre { -brand-name-edge } fan { -brand-name-microsoft } de eardere ferzjes fan { -brand-name-edge } ferfongen. Hoewol { -brand-name-edge } no boud is op { -brand-name-chromium } fan { -brand-name-google }, binne der inkelde unike funksjes dy't de browser ûnderskiede fan { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }.
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