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In addition to privacy protection, which largely takes place in the background of the browser, another key ingredient to a well-made browser is the actual user interface and functionality. Almost all six browsers are equal when it comes to tab browsing, bookmark management, auto-completion, proofreading and extensions. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-opera } also offer a quick screenshot function that proves to be quite handy and is definitely something you notice is missing when you switch over to a browser without it.
Neist privacybeskerming, dy't foar in grut part yn de eftergrûn fan de browser bart, is in oar wichtich yngrediïnt fan in goed makke browser de echte brûkersynterface en funksjonaliteit. Hast alle seis browsers binne lyk as it giet om navigaasje mei ljepblêden, blêdwizerbehear, automatysk oanfolje, proeflêze en útwreidingen. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-edge } en { -brand-name-opera } biede ek in funksje foar flugge skermôfdrukken, dy't hiel handich blike te wêzen en seker wat is dat opfalt as jo oerskeakelje nei in browser sûnder.
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