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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
There’s no debate that { -brand-name-opera } is a feature-packed browser with a clean user interface and strong customization options. Because { -brand-name-opera } is built on { -brand-name-chromium }, it can take advantage of most of { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }’s vast extension library. { -brand-name-firefox } also features a large <a { $attrs }>extension library to browse</a>, but not quite as large as { -brand-name-chrome }’s.
Der is gjin diskusje oer dat { -brand-name-opera } in browser fol funksjes is mei in kreaze brûkersynterface en sterke oanpasberheidsopsjes. Omdat { -brand-name-opera } op { -brand-name-chromium } boud is, kin it profitearje fan de measte útwreidingen fan { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }. { -brand-name-firefox } biedt ek in grutte hoemannichte <a { $attrs }>útwreidingen</a>, mar net sa folle as { -brand-name-chrome }.
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