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For practical purposes, there’s obviously really nothing preventing you from using both browsers—{ -brand-name-firefox } for those moments in life when privacy really matters, and { -brand-name-chrome } if you’re still invested in the { -brand-name-google } ecosystem. Yet with the growing number of incursions into our personal data, { -brand-name-firefox } may prove to be the right choice in the long run for those of us who value protecting our personal privacy online.
A efectos prácticos, evidentemente non hai nada que che impida usar os dous navegadores: o { -brand-name-firefox } para cando sexa moi importante a privacidade e o { -brand-name-chrome } se aínda apostas polo contorno de { -brand-name-google }. No entanto, debido ao crecente número de incursións nos datos persoais, a longo prazo o { -brand-name-firefox } pode ser a opción adecuada para aqueles que, coma nós, valoramos a protección da privacidade persoal na rede.
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