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Privacy on the web is a hot button issue. If privacy is number one on your list of priorities, you want to look for a browser that takes that seriously. When choosing the best private browser for you, look at the tracking policy and how a browser handles your data. These seem like technical questions, but they’re the reason some browsers are more private than others.
Ñemigua ñandutípe ha’e mba’e tuicháva. Pe ñemigua oĩ tenondete tysýipe, ehekava’erã kundaha hekoporãva. Eiporavóvo kundaha ñemigua iporãvéva ndéve g̃uarã, eporandu tapykueho pururekóre ha mba’éichapa pe kundaha omboguata mba’ekuaarã. Ko’ãva ha’e porandu aporekoguáva, hákatu upéicha rupi heta kundaha iñemive ambuégui.
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