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{ -brand-name-brave } differentiates itself from the other { -brand-name-chromium } browsers by focusing on user privacy — specifically by blocking trackers, scripts, and ads by default. So when you use the { -brand-name-brave } browser, the areas of a website that would normally display ads appear as blank spaces. In some instances, pages don’t load properly, which will require you to either choose a different browser or flip the ‘Shields Up’ setting to ‘Shields Down’ which turns off the privacy and security protection.
{ -brand-name-brave } ojuavy umi ambue kundahára { -brand-name-chromium } oma’ẽvévo umi puruhára rekoñemíre — ojokohápe tapykuehoha, mbohapeha rape ha ñemuha ijypyguáva. Péicha pe eipurúvo pe kundahára { -brand-name-brave }, umi ñanduti renda pegua ohechaukáva ñemuha ojehecha pa’ũ nandíramo. Ndahetái hendápe, umi kuatiarogue henyhẽ hekopete, oikotevẽta eiporavo kundahára iñambuéva térã emoambue pe ñemboheko «Escudos Activos» rehegua oipe’áva ñemo’ã ñemigua ha tekorosã rehegua.
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