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Just like the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, the { -brand-name-brave } browser is free, open source and focused on protecting users’ privacy. { -brand-name-brave } is a relative newcomer to the world of browsers: its maker, { -brand-name-brave } Software, first debuted the browser in January 2016. In this article we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox } browser with the { -brand-name-brave } browser in three categories: privacy, utility and portability.
Pe kundaháraicha avei { -brand-name-firefox }, kundahára { -brand-name-brave } ha’e reigua, ijayvu juruja ha omba’apóva omo’ã hag̃ua puruhára ñenigua. { -brand-name-brave } ipyahu gueteri kundaharaháicha arapýpe: imoheñoihára, pe software { -brand-name-brave }, ohechauka ñepyrũ jasyteĩ ary 2016 jave. Ko jehaipyrépe romoñendivéta ore { -brand-name-firefox } kundahára { -brand-name-brave } ndive mbohapyjey: hekoñemi, puruporã ha jeku’ekuaápe.
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