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For practical purposes, there’s obviously really nothing preventing you from using both browsers—{ -brand-name-firefox } for those moments in life when privacy really matters, and { -brand-name-chrome } if you’re still invested in the { -brand-name-google } ecosystem. Yet with the growing number of incursions into our personal data, { -brand-name-firefox } may prove to be the right choice in the long run for those of us who value protecting our personal privacy online.
Oiko porãve hag̃ua, ndaipóri mba’evéichagua ombotovéva ndehegui eipurúvo mokõivéva kundahára ({ -brand-name-firefox } umi árape pe ñemigua imbaretehápe ha { -brand-name-chrome } eguerekoséramo gueteri { -brand-name-google } rekohápe). Upéichavéramo jepe, hetaiteve oñemoingévo umi ñane mba’ekuaarã peteĩ mba’etéva, { -brand-name-firefox } ikatu avei eipuru tenondeve gotyo opavave umi omomba’éva añetéva ñemigua ñemo’ã ñandutípe.
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