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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
Aside from sucking up a lot of computing power, { -brand-name-edge } running on { -brand-name-chromium } has answered a lot of users’ needs for functionality and features. But there’s still a lot to account for in terms of the browser’s privacy protections. It’s our assessment that { -brand-name-firefox } is still a better choice for most people to use in their daily lives, based not only on functionality but more importantly on our transparency in how we collect user data, what exactly we collect, and what we do with it. Because our parent company is <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, a non-profit organization dedicated to internet privacy and freedom, we simply have a different set of priorities when it comes to users’ data.
Oguerekóramo jepe mbarete tembipurupyahúpe, { -brand-name-edge } hembiapóva { -brand-name-chromium }-pe ombohovái heta tekotevẽ tembiapoite ha puruhára peteĩchaguáape. Hákattu oreko gueteri heta myesakãrã kundahára ñemigua ñemo’ã rehegua. Ore roha’ãháicha, { -brand-name-firefox } ha’e iporãvéva hetave tapichápe g̃uarã oipurúva ára ha ára, ndaha’éi hembiapoitégui año, avei pe iporãvéva, ore rekosakã pe mba’éichapa rombyaty puruhára mba’ekuaarã, mba’etépa pe rombyatýva, ha mba’épa rojapo pe marandúgui. Pe ore mba’apohaguasu tuichavéva <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-mozilla }</a>, peteĩ atyguasu viru’ỹgua omba’apóva ñemigua ha ñanduti sãsóre, ja’eporãtaramo roguereko peteĩ aty iñambuéva imba’epotápe puruhára mba’ekuaarã rehegua.
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