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{ -brand-name-firefox } features a scrolling tab interface, which keeps tab information viewable and scrolls them horizontally instead of shrinking them down to just favicon size. Also whenever you open a new tab, our <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket } feature</a> suggests relevant articles and content for you. Plus with { -brand-name-pocket }, you can also save articles, videos, and other content with one click, for reading at a later time.
{ -brand-name-firefox } ohechauka mba’erechaha rendayke ñemongu’ekuaa ndive ohechaukáva tendayke marandu ha omongu’e yvate gotyo omomichĩrangue kuatiarogue ra’ãnga’ícha. Avei, embojurujajeývo tendayke pyahu, ore <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket } rembiapoite</a> ome’ẽse ndéve moñe’ẽrã ha tetepy iporãva ndéve g̃uarã. Avei, { -brand-name-pocket } ndive, eñongatukuaa, peteĩ jekutu ndive, haipyre, ta’ãngamýi ha ambue tetepy, emoñe’ẽ hag̃ua ag̃ave.
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