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Privacy has become a white hot topic for tech companies as they realize more and more people are feeling vulnerable to things like data breaches, ad trackers and hackers. But when it comes down to the real tools people use to navigate the actual interwebs, is it all talk or are they actually taking action to keep your data secure?
Ñemiguágui oiko téma ñomongetaha mba’apohaguasu tembipurupyahuguápe, ohechakuaávo ko’ẽreíre hetave tapicha okyhyje oñembyaíramo g̃uarã imba’ekuaarã, ñemurã rapykuehoha ha mba’evaiapoha ñandutípe. Hákatu oñeñe’ẽvo tembipuru rehe opavave oipuru oikundaha hag̃ua ñandutiete, ¿oñe’ẽnte térã ohecha mba’éichapa omohekorosãta imba’ekuaarã?
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