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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
An ad blocker is a piece of software that can be used to block ads, and they work in two ways. The first way is when an ad blocker blocks the signal from an advertiser’s server, so the ad never shows up on your page. Another way ad blockers work is by blocking out sections of a website that could be ads.
Peteĩ maranduñemurã jokoha ha’e tembiaporape ojepurukuaáva ani hag̃ua ojehecha maranduñemurã, ha omba’apo mokõi hendáicha. Peteĩhápe maranduñemurã jokoha omboyke jehecha apopyvusúgui, péicha pe ñemurã nosẽi nde kuatiaroguépe. Ambue hendáicha umi maranduñemurã jokoha ndohechaukái ñanduti renda vore ikatúva ha’e ñemurã.
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