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Fast-forward to today, the competitive landscape for browsers has changed, with many people beginning to question just what is happening to their online data such as browsing history, passwords, and other sensitive information. A lot has changed since 2008 when { -brand-name-chrome } came onto the scene. At { -brand-name-firefox }, we’ve been heads down, working to redesign our interface and provide users with an ever growing number of privacy and performance enhancements that are automatic by default as well as plenty of handy browser tools.
Spěšny předběh hač do dźensnišeho, wubědźowanska krajina za wobhladowaki je so z wjele ludźimi změniła, kotřiž započachu so prosće prašeć, što so z jich datami online kaž přehladowanska historija, hesła a druhe sensibelne informacije stawa. Wjele je so wot lěta 2008 změniło, hdyž { -brand-name-chrome } so na scenje zjewi. Pola { -brand-name-firefox } smy so wróćo ćahnyli, zo bychmy naš wužiwarski powjerch přetworili a wužiwarjow z rosćacej ličbu polěpšenjow priwatnosće a wukona, kotrež su awtomatiske po standardźe a z wjele zručnymi nastrojemi wobhladowaka wobstarali.
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