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Based on the criteria we outlined — privacy, utility, and portability — there’s really only one browser that meets the mark, and that’s { -brand-name-firefox }. The real area of difference isn’t in functionality, it’s privacy. { -brand-name-firefox } is the most private browser that doesn’t lock you into an ecosystem. Use it on any operating system, on all your devices, and feel secure when you do.
Na zakładźe kriterijow, kotrež smy wobrysowali - priwatnosć, wužiwajomnosć a portabelnosć - je jenož jenički wobhladowak, kotryž wšěm žadanjam wotpowěduje, to je { -brand-name-firefox }. Poprawny rozdźěl we funkcionalnosći njeje, ale w priwatnosći. { -brand-name-firefox } je najpriwatniši wobhladowak, kotryž was do ekosystema njezamka. Móžeće jón na kóždym dźěłowym systemje a na wšěch wašich gratach wužiwać a so wšudźe wěsty čuć.
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