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We may also collect additional data in pre-release for one of our <a href="{ $link }">studies</a>. For example, some studies require what we call “web activity data” data, which may include URLs and other information about certain websites. This helps us answer specific questions to improve { -brand-name-firefox }, for example, how to better integrate popular websites in specific locales.
Móžemy tež dalše daty w předwersiji zběrać, za jednu z našich <a href="{ $link }">studijow</a>. Někotre studije na přikład tak mjenowane „daty webaktiwity“ trjebaja, ke kotrymž móža URL a drihe daty wo wěstych websydłach słušeć. To nam pomha, na wěste prašenja wotmołwić, zo bychmy { -brand-name-firefox } polěpšili, na přikład, kak dadźa so wěste woblubowane websydła do wěstych rěčnych wersijow integrować.
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