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Since { -brand-name-edge } has moved to the processor intensive { -brand-name-chromium } platform, you can expect it to run a little slower, especially if you have multiple programs running at once. However, with { -brand-name-chromium } platform comes a massive library of extensions as well as a decent level of UI customization that { -brand-name-edge } did not have before its move to { -brand-name-chromium }.
Post que { -brand-name-edge } ha movite al platteforma { -brand-name-chromium } processor intensive, tu pote expectar que illo flue un poco plus lente, specialmente si tu ha plure programmas fluente contemporaneemente. Totevia, con le platteforma { -brand-name-chromium } veni un massive bibliotheca de extensiones e un nivello decente de personalisationes del interfacie de usator que { -brand-name-edge } non habeva ante su movimento a { -brand-name-chromium }.
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