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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • ie.ftl
Our opinion is just to go with a trusted, private browser with a track record of delivering a great experience across devices. In a head-to-head comparison, it’s really no contest at all. { -brand-name-firefox } is hands down the winner across all assessment categories. If you do find yourself at Nana’s house firing up { -brand-name-ie }, maybe you want to do Nana a favor and <a { $attrs }>download { -brand-name-firefox }</a> for her.
Nostre opinion es justo: ir con un navigator private, digne de fide e con fama de fornir un optime experientia inter apparatos. In un comparation testa a testa, non ha realmente ulle confrontation del toto.{ -brand-name-firefox } es le vincitor a manos basse inter tote le categorias de evalutation. Si tu te trova a domo de granmatre con { -brand-name-ie }, forsan tu poterea facer la un favor e <a { $attrs }>installar { -brand-name-firefox }</a> pro illa.
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