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So what’s the solution if your company is running outdated apps that only work on { -brand-name-ie }? Our best advice for you personally is, don’t mix business with pleasure. The simple thing to do is download and use a more secure browser like { -brand-name-firefox }. Then, if you need to do things like check your personal email or shop online, you can just switch over to the more secure browser. The bottom line is, if { -brand-name-microsoft } is warning people not to use { -brand-name-ie }, don’t use it. Your online privacy and security are not worth risking because you (or your company) have a hard time breaking an old habit. We make { -brand-name-firefox } with security and privacy features like <a { $lockwise }>{ -brand-name-lockwise }</a>, our password manager, private browsing and lots of other add-ons that help us make the web safer for you. Also, our <a { $privacy }>Privacy Policy</a> is straightforward: we tell you what we know about you, and why we collect that information. All of these things obviously go beyond what { -brand-name-ie } offers, and even what other modern browsers like { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } offer.
Assi, qual es le solution si tu compania usa ancora applicationes obsolete que functiona solmente sur { -brand-name-ie }? Nostre melior aviso pro te personalmente es: non misce placer con labor. Le simple cosa a facer es discargar e usar un navigator plus secur como { -brand-name-firefox }. Alora, si per exemplo tu vole reciper tu e-mail personal o verificar tu compras in linea, tu pote simplemente passar al navigator plus secur. In fundo, si { -brand-name-microsoft } avisa que personas non deberea usar { -brand-name-ie }, non usa lo. Non mitte in periculo tu confidentialitate e securitate solmente perque tu (o tu compania) es reluctante a rumper un ancian habito. Nos face { -brand-name-firefox } con functionalitates de securitate e confidentialitate como <a { $lockwise }>{ -brand-name-lockwise }</a>, nostre gestor de contrasignos, navigation private e multere altere additivos que adjuta nos a render le Web plus secur pro te. In ultra, nostre <a { $privacy }>Politica de confidentialitate</a> es simple: nos te dice lo que nos sape de te, e proque nos collige ille informationes. Tote iste cosas es obviemente superior a lo que { -brand-name-ie } offere, e mesmo lo que altere moderne navigatores como { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } e { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } offere.
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