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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
In terms of head to head utility, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-firefox } are close competitors. { -brand-name-opera } may have an advantage in one aspect with its compatibility with and access to { -brand-name-chrome }’s huge extension library. But one significant factor to consider is the fact that { -brand-name-opera }, because it’s built on { -brand-name-chromium }, is a processor-hungry browser with its RAM consumption comparable to { -brand-name-chrome }, which is known for its high CPU usage.
In terminos de utilitate testa a testa, { -brand-name-opera } e { -brand-name-firefox } es proxime competitores. { -brand-name-opera } pote haber un avantage per su compatibilitate e accesso con le enorme bibliotheca de extensiones de { -brand-name-chrome }. Ma un factor significative a considerar es que { -brand-name-opera }, construite sur { -brand-name-chromium }, es un navigator avide de potentia de processor, con su consumo de RAM comparabile a { -brand-name-chrome }, que es note pro su alte uso del CPU.
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