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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
Whatever the future of the web holds, { -brand-name-mozilla } and { -brand-name-firefox } will be there for users, ensuring that they have powerful tools to experience the web and all it has to offer. The web is for everyone, and everyone should have control of their online experience. That’s why we give { -brand-name-firefox } tools to protect user privacy and we never sell user data to advertisers.
Qualcunque essera le futuro del web, { -brand-name-mozilla } e { -brand-name-firefox } sera illac pro le usatores, assecurante se que illes ha potente applicationes pro experimentar le web e tote illo que ha a offerer. Le web es pro totes e totes debe haber controlo de lor experientia online. Ecce perque nos da applicationes { -brand-name-firefox } pro proteger le confidentialitate del usator e nos jammais vende datos del usator a publicitarios.
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