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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
If you want to learn more about ad blocking, there are hundreds of ad blocker extensions available for { -brand-name-firefox } and other browsers. If want to try out the ad blockers { -brand-name-firefox } uses, <a href="{ $url }">click here to download</a> a browser that puts privacy first.
Si tu vole saper plus sur le blocage de publicitate, il ha centenas de extensiones pro blocar publicitate disponibile pro { -brand-name-firefox } e altere navigatores. Si tu vole provar le blocatores de publicitate que { -brand-name-firefox } usa, <a href="{ $url }">clicca hic pro discargar</a> un navigator que defende tu vita private.
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