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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • translate.ftl
The internet is filled with amazing stuff, but a lot of it is not written in English — making billions of people around the globe need a translator just to use the internet. You can <a { $attrs }>download { -brand-name-firefox } in over 100 languages</a>, so your browser menus, notifications and messages are in your preferred language, but that doesn’t solve the problem of all that amazing content you use your browser to find.
Internet es plenate de contentos stupende, ma multe de illos non es scribite in anglese: rendente billiones de personas circum le globo besoniante de un traductor justo pro usar internet. Tu pote <a { $attrs }>discargar { -brand-name-firefox } in ultra 100 linguas</a>, assi tu menus, avisos e messages de navigator es in tu lingua preferite, ma illo non solve le problema de tote ille stupende contentos que tu trova per tu navigator.
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