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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
When you open a new tab in your { -brand-name-firefox } browser, you’ll see articles <a href="{ $recommended }">recommended by { -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } doesn’t use any of your personal data to make recommendations. Instead, the articles are curated by real people using the app. The ability to discover new stories, angles, and opinions is one way to battle the spread of misinformation. To get even more recommendations, subscribe to the <a href="{ $pocket_hits }">{ -brand-name-pocket } newsletter</a> and download the <a href="{ $pocket }">{ -brand-name-pocket } app</a>.
Quando tu aperi un nove scheda in tu navigator { -brand-name-firefox }, tu videra articulos <a href="{ $recommended }">recommendate per { -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } non usa ulle tu datos personal pro facer recommendationes. In vice, le articulos es curate per personas real qui usa le application. Le capacitate de discoperir nove historias, punctos de vista e opiniones es un maniera de combatter le diffusion de information errate. Pro obtener ancora plus recommendationes, subscribe te al <a href="{ $pocket_hits }">{ -brand-name-pocket } littera de novas</a> e discarga le <a href="{ $pocket }" application { -brand-name-pocket }</a>.
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