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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • passwords.ftl
In today’s internet, where thousands of passwords are stolen every day and accounts are traded on the black market, it’s worth the effort to keep your online life safe. When you use { -brand-name-firefox } products, some of the effort is taken off your plate, because all our products are built to uphold our <a { $url_privacy_products }>privacy promise</a>. And { -brand-name-firefox } is always guided by <a { $url_about_manifesto }>Mozilla’s mission</a>, the not-for-profit we are backed by, to build a better internet.
In hodierne internet, ubi milles de contrasignos es robate cata die e le contos es vendite sur le mercato nigre, il vale le pena del effortiar se a mantener tu vita online secur. Quando tu usa productos { -brand-name-firefox }, parte del effortio es eliminate, perque tote nostre productos es producite pro tener nostre <a { $url_privacy_products }>promissa de confidentialitate</a>. E { -brand-name-firefox } es sempre guidate per <a { $url_about_manifesto }>le mission de Mozilla</a>, le organisation non lucrative que nos supporta, pro render internet melior.
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