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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • passwords.ftl
The secret to preventing guessing, theft or password reset is a whole lot of randomness. When attackers try to guess passwords, they usually do two things: 1) Use “dictionaries” — lists of common passwords that people use all the time, and 2) make some random guesses. The <strong>longer and more random your password is</strong>, the less likely that either of these guessing techniques will find it.
Le secreto pro prevenir divination, furto o redefinition de contrasigno es un grande quantitate de casualitate. Quando attaccantes tenta divinar contrasignos, illes usualmente face duo cosas: 1) Usa “dictionarios”: lista de commun contrasignos que on usa sempre e 2) face alcun conjecturas aleatori. Quam <strong>plus longe e plus aleatori es tu contrasigno</strong>, tam minus probabile es que un de iste technicas de divination lo trovara.
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