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Community members got involved and expanded the scope of the project’s <a href="{ $mission }">original mission</a> — instead of just working on { -brand-name-netscape }’s next browser, people started creating <a href="{ $browsers }">a variety of browsers</a>, <a href="{ $bugzilla }">development tools</a> and a range of other <a href="{ $projects }">projects</a>.
Le membros de communitates era implicate e expandeva le campo del <a href="{ $mission }">mission original</a> del projecto — plus tosto que laborar justo sur le nove version del navigator { -brand-name-netscape }, le personas initiava a crear <a href="{ $browsers }">plure navigatores differente</a>, <a href="{ $bugzilla }">utensiles de disveloppamento</a> e un varietate del altere <a href="{ $projects }">projectos</a>.
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