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Since your browser is your gateway to the internet, speed, security, privacy and utility are paramount. In recent years, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } has been the browser of choice for many. But at a time when online ads seem to follow us everywhere and data breaches are a fixture of news headlines, a lot of people are starting to demand more privacy and respect from their browser.
Kecepatan, keamanan, privasi dan kemampuan peramban Anda sangatlah penting karena peramban adalah gerbang Anda menuju internet. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } telah menjadi peramban pilihan banyak orang. Namun saat iklan daring nampak mengikuti kita ke mana saja dan pembobolan data menjadi berita utama, banyak orang mulai menuntut lebih banyak privasi dan rasa hormat dari peramban mereka.
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