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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-safari } both provide a seamless experience when moving from desktop to mobile browsing or vice versa. For { -brand-name-safari }, one of its main strengths is its continuity features. It syncs your bookmarks, tabs, history and more to iCloud so they’re available on all your devices. That means you can open a tab on your { -brand-name-iphone } and have it also appear on your { -brand-name-mac } laptop with just a click.
{ -brand-name-firefox } dan { -brand-name-safari } keduanya memberikan pengalaman yang mulus saat berpindah dari desktop ke penelusuran seluler atau sebaliknya. Untuk { -brand-name-safari }, salah satu kekuatan utamanya adalah fitur kontinuitasnya. Itu menyinkronkan markah, tab, riwayat, dan lainnya ke iCloud sehingga tersedia di semua perangkat Anda. Artinya, Anda dapat membuka tab di { -brand-name-iphone } dan memunculkannyadi laptop { -brand-name-mac } Anda hanya dengan satu klik.
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