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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • governance • policies • participation.ftl
All { -brand-name-mozilla } events will have designated a specific safety guideline with emergency and anti-abuse contacts at the event as well as online. These contacts will be posted prominently throughout the event, and in print and online materials. Event leaders are requested to speak at the event about the guidelines and to ask participants to review and agree to them when they sign up for the event.
Per tutti gli eventi { -brand-name-mozilla } saranno definite linee guida di sicurezza specifiche con contatti di emergenza e anti-abuso, sia presso l’evento che online. Tali contatti verranno pubblicati ben in vista durante il corso dell’evento, così come sui materiali stampati e online. I leader degli eventi dovranno illustrare le presenti linee guida durante l’evento e chiederanno ai partecipanti di leggerle e accettarle al momento dell’iscrizione all’evento.
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