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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • ie.ftl
Here we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox-browser } with { -brand-name-ie } in terms of security, utility, and portability. We’ll help you understand the differences between how a modern browser like { -brand-name-firefox } that adheres to web standards compares with the browser you may be using for business purposes or out of old habits that die hard.
Dagi, ad nserwes gar yiminig-nneɣ { -brand-name-firefox-browser } d { -brand-name-ie } deg wayen yeɛnan taɣellist, tanfa d uɛebbi. Ad ak-nɛiwen ad tegzuḍ amgired yellan gar yiminig atrar am { -brand-name-firefox } i yettqadaren ilugan n Web d yiminig-nniḍen i tesseqdaceḍ i yiswan n usedri neɣ si tannumi i tuɣeḍ ur tezmireḍ ara ad teǧǧeḍ d umatu.
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