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Based on the criteria we outlined — privacy, utility, and portability — there’s really only one browser that meets the mark, and that’s { -brand-name-firefox }. The real area of difference isn’t in functionality, it’s privacy. { -brand-name-firefox } is the most private browser that doesn’t lock you into an ecosystem. Use it on any operating system, on all your devices, and feel secure when you do.
Akken i yella deg yisefranen i d-nesbadu — tabaḍnit, tixxutert d uɛebbi — ɣer tidet yella yiwen kan n yiminig i yeddan d ulugen, wa d { -brand-name-firefox }. Taɣult n umgired n tidet mačči d tamhelt, d tabaḍnit. { -brand-name-firefox } d iminig uslig ugar ur k-nessewḥal ara deg twennaḍt. Seqdec-it deg unagraw n wammud i tebɣiḍ, deg yibenkan-ik akk, tḥulfuḍ s tɣellist mi ara t-tgeḍ.
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