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Since your browser is your gateway to the internet, speed, security, privacy and utility are paramount. In recent years, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } has been the browser of choice for many. But at a time when online ads seem to follow us everywhere and data breaches are a fixture of news headlines, a lot of people are starting to demand more privacy and respect from their browser.
Imi iminig-ik d tiqenṭert-ik ɣer internet, ilaq arured, taɣellist, tabaḍnit akked lfayda ad izwiren. ISeggasen-a ineggura, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } d iminig ufrin amenzu i waṭas n yimdanen. Maca deg tallit anida adellel srid yuɣal yeṭṭafaṛ-aɣ yal amḍiq daɣen tarewla n yisefka zewwirent-d ɣer yisebtar n yiɣmisen, ddeqs n yimdanen suturen ugar n tba dnit akked uqadeṛ seg yiminigen.
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