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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } and { -brand-name-opera } are two of the earliest browsers on the scene still releasing frequent updates. While { -brand-name-opera } has not reached the same level of user adoption as { -brand-name-firefox } or { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s maintained a relatively stable and loyal base over a sustained period of time. In this review, we’ll compare the { -brand-name-opera } browser with our { -brand-name-firefox } browser in terms of security and privacy, utility, and portability to help you choose which browser might be the best fit for you.
Iminig { -brand-name-firefox-browser } d { -brand-name-opera } d iminigen imezwura deg umaḍal umḍin i d-isuffuɣun yal ass ileqman illusanen. Ɣas akken { -brand-name-opera } ur t-seqdacen ara yiseqdacen s waṭas am { -brand-name-firefox } d { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, maca yeṭṭef azadur d urkid d amekdi ɣef yiwet n tallit ɣezzifen. Deg usenqed-a, ad nserwes gar yiminig { -brand-name-opera } akked yiminig-nneɣ { -brand-name-firefox } deg wayen yeɛnan taɣellist d tbaḍnit, tixxutert d uɛebbi akken ad ak-nɛiwen ad tferneḍ iminig i yeffɣen fell-ak.
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