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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • windows-64-bit.ftl
Here’s the key thing to know: 64-bit applications can access more memory and are less likely to crash than 32-bit applications. Also, with the jump from 32 to 64 bits, a security feature called <a href="{ $ASLR }">Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)</a> works better to protect you from attackers. { -brand-name-linux } and { -brand-name-mac } users, fret not, you already enjoy a { -brand-name-firefox } that’s optimized for 64-bit.
Ha-t-a wayen i ilaqen ad t-tissineḍ: isnasen 64 yibiten zemren ad awḍen ɣer tkatut meqqren rnu ur shilen ara i uɣelluy am yisnas n 32 yibiten. Daɣen, s uεeddi seg 32 ɣer 64 yibiten, yiwet n tmahilt n tɣellist iwumi qqaren <a href="{ $ASLR }">Tarusi tagacurant n tallunt n tansa (ASLR)</a> tetteddu akken iwata akken ad k-teḥrez mgal imakaren. Iseqacen n { -brand-name-linux } d { -brand-name-mac }, ur tqelliqet ara, tesεam yakan { -brand-name-firefox } yettusfernen i 64 yibiten.
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