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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } does not have a built-in VPN (virtual private network), but there are two products made by { -brand-name-mozilla }/{ -brand-name-firefox } that you can use in addition to the private { -brand-name-firefox-browser } that can protect either your browser (<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-private-network }</a>) or device (<a href="{ $url2 }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a>) connection on WiFi, as well as your IP address.
{ -brand-name-firefox } heeft geen ingebouwde VPN (virtual private network), maar er zijn twee producten die zijn gemaakt door { -brand-name-mozilla }/{ -brand-name-firefox } die u kunt gebruiken in aanvulling op de privé { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, die de verbinding van uw browser (<a href="{ $url }">{ -brand-name-firefox-private-network }</a>) of uw apparaat (<a href="{ $url2 }">{ -brand-name-mozilla-vpn }</a>) op wifi beschermen, evenals uw IP-adres.
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