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There was a time not so long ago where { -brand-name-ie } was the most popular and widely used browser in the world. Times have changed and so has technology, but unfortunately { -brand-name-ie } has pretty much stayed the same. { -brand-name-microsoft } itself openly implores users to stop using { -brand-name-ie } and instead switch to their newer { -brand-name-chromium }-based { -brand-name-edge } browser.
For ikkje så lenge sidan var { -brand-name-ie } den mest populære og mest brukte nettlesaren i verda. Tidene har endra seg, og det same har teknologien, men dessverre har { -brand-name-ie } stort sett ikkje endra seg. { -brand-name-microsoft } oppmodar sjølv brukarane ope om å slutte å bruke { -brand-name-ie } og i staden byte til deira nyare { -brand-name-chromium }-baserte { -brand-name-edge }-nettlesar.
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