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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } does collect a limited set of data by default from { -brand-name-firefox } that helps us to understand how people use the browser. That data is tied to a random identifier rather than your name or email address. You can read more about that on our <a href="{ $privacy }">privacy notice</a> and you can read the <a href="{ $data }">full documentation for that data collection</a>.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } rimna en l'installaziun da standard ina quantitad limitada da datas da { -brand-name-firefox } ch'ans gida a chapir co las persunas dovran il navigatur. Questas datas èn associadas cun in identificatur casual e betg cun tes num u tia adressa dad e-mail. Ti pos vegnir a savair dapli davart il tema en nossa <a href="{ $privacy }">Infurmaziun davart la protecziun da datas</a> e ti pos leger l'<a href="{ $data }">entira documentaziun da questa rimnada da datas</a>.
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