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Entity en-US si
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
While { -brand-name-chrome } proves to be a safe web browser, its privacy record is questionable. { -brand-name-google } actually collects a disturbingly large amount of data from its users including location, search history and site visits. { -brand-name-google } makes its case for data collection saying it’s doing it to improve its services – like helping you find a sweater or a coffee shop like the one you previously bought or visited. However, others might disagree, making the point that { -brand-name-google } is actually gathering an unprecedented amount of data for its own marketing purposes. They tout that they’re keeping your information private from hackers, but that’s beside the point. { -brand-name-google } itself runs the world’s largest advertising network, thanks in large part to data they harvest from their users.
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