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At { -brand-name-firefox }, we pride ourselves in protecting our users security and privacy. Our <a { $attrs }>privacy policy</a> is transparent and in plain language. We actually put a lot of work into making sure it was straightforward and easy to read. With Enhanced Tracking Protection now on by default, we block 2000+ trackers automatically. Trackers are those little pieces of code that try to piece together what you're doing across multiple internet sites to build a composite and detailed picture of who you are, compromising your privacy all just to target better ads.
我们的 { -brand-name-firefox } <a { $attrs }>隐私政策</a>是公开透明的,并使用通俗的语言。实际上,我们进行了大量工作来确保它浅显易懂。我们为保护用户的安全和隐私而感到自豪,{ -brand-name-firefox } 默认情况下即启用增强型跟踪保护,可自动拦截超过 2000 种跟踪器。跟踪器是试图将您在多个网站上的活动汇总的一小段代码,用以勾勒出您的精细数据画像,损害您的隐私,所有这些都是为了更精准地推送广告。
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