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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
Like { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-opera } delivers a scrolling tab experience, which means that when you open more tabs than will fit on screen, it scrolls them off screen instead of just continuously shrinking them down. Also both { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-opera } have a screenshot tool that lets you capture a snapshot of your screen or part of the page. However, the { -brand-name-opera } tool doesn’t give you the ability to create one huge capture of the whole webpage, only the visible portion.
与 { -brand-name-firefox } 一样,{ -brand-name-opera } 也提供了滚动标签页的特性,这意味着当您打开的标签页超出屏幕所能显示的数量时,{ -brand-name-opera } 会将其滚动出屏幕,而不是将其不断缩小。{ -brand-name-firefox } 和 { -brand-name-opera } 均内置有屏幕截图工具,可让您截取屏幕或页面部分区域。但 { -brand-name-opera } 工具不能截取整个页面,只可截取可见范围。
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