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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more • misinformation.ftl
When you open a new tab in your { -brand-name-firefox } browser, you’ll see articles <a href="{ $recommended }">recommended by { -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } doesn’t use any of your personal data to make recommendations. Instead, the articles are curated by real people using the app. The ability to discover new stories, angles, and opinions is one way to battle the spread of misinformation. To get even more recommendations, subscribe to the <a href="{ $pocket_hits }">{ -brand-name-pocket } newsletter</a> and download the <a href="{ $pocket }">{ -brand-name-pocket } app</a>.
当您用 { -brand-name-firefox } 浏览器打开新标签页时,会看到由 <a href="{ $recommended }">{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> 推荐的文章。{ -brand-name-pocket } 的推荐完全由人工策划,不会使用您的任何个人数据。发现新故事、新角度和新观点的能力对于遏制错误信息传播至关重要。若想获取更多推荐,请订阅 <a href="{ $pocket_hits }"> 新闻通讯</a>,并下载 <a href="{ $pocket }">{ -brand-name-pocket } 应用程序</a>。
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