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The Internet as a whole is largely paid for by display advertisements, which keeps the actual content you want to view free. { -brand-name-brave } has attempted to upend this model by encouraging its users to opt into { -brand-name-brave }’s own reward system, which in reality, is its own ad platform. Once a user has opted-in, { -brand-name-brave } will display what they call “privacy-respecting ads” for which you can view and earn what they call a Basic Attention Token a.k.a. a BAT. From this point { -brand-name-brave } users can choose to spend their BATs on supporting the sites or individual contributors they love, who in turn can convert the BATs into actual currency.
網際網路有很大一部分內容是由展示廣告來提供利潤,才能讓您實際想要看到的內容保持免費。{ -brand-name-brave } 嘗試透過鼓勵使用者加入 { -brand-name-brave } 自己的獎勵系統(也就是他們自己的廣告平台)來顛覆這個商業模式。使用者加入後,{ -brand-name-brave } 就會顯示它們稱為會「尊重隱私權」的廣告,並且獲得 Basic Attention Token(簡稱 BAT)的獎勵。從這一點開始,{ -brand-name-brave } 使用者就可以將 BAT 花在想支持的網站或喜歡的貢獻者,讓他們將 BAT 再轉回真實貨幣。
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