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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
Fast-forward to today, the competitive landscape for browsers has changed with many people beginning to question just what is happening to their online data such as browsing history, passwords, and other sensitive information. A lot has changed since 2008 when { -brand-name-chrome } came onto the scene. At { -brand-name-firefox }, we’ve been heads down, working to redesign our interface and provide users with an ever growing number of privacy and performance enhancements as well as plenty of handy browser tools.
時至今日,瀏覽器的競爭環境已經有了改變。許多人開始質疑他們的上網紀錄、密碼、其他敏感資訊等線上資料被如何運用。在 { -brand-name-chrome } 推出後,許多事情已有改變,而在 { -brand-name-firefox } 這邊,我們一直努力重新設計介面,提供使用者越來越多的隱私權保護功能、改善效能、以及許多方便的上網工具。
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