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Using a browser that blocks third-party trackers isn’t just important for privacy — it usually means it runs much faster, too. Most trackers are just scripts that run in the background on a number of websites. You can’t see them, but you can feel them slowing down your browser. As of version 67 of { -brand-name-firefox }, fingerprinting and cryptominers are also blocked. If you’re not familiar with cryptominers, here’s an example of how they can affect you: maybe you’ve experienced your computer suddenly running hotter or the battery depleting faster than normal. That’s often the byproduct of cryptominers creeping around on your device.
瀏覽器自動封鎖來自第三方的追蹤器不只是為了保護隱私,還能讓瀏覽器運作得更快。大部分追蹤器都是在網站背景中默默運作的指令碼,您看不到它們但可以感覺到它們正在拖慢瀏覽器的運作。自 { -brand-name-firefox } 67 版起,也會自動封鎖「數位指紋追蹤程式」與「加密貨幣採礦程式」。若您沒聽過過加密貨幣採礦程式是什麼,以下是它們影響您上網體驗的例子: 也許您曾經遇到過電腦風扇突然大轉、溫度變高,或是電池更快沒電,就有可能是網站在您的電腦背景中偷偷挖礦的副作用。
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