
No matching results for the string Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s for the locale en-US

Displaying 5 results for the string Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s in ast:

Entity en-US ast
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutCertError.ftl
Websites prove their identity via certificates. { -brand-short-name } does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for { $hostname }.
Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s'enfota nesti sitiu porque usa un certificáu que nun ye válidu pa { $hostname }.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutCertError.ftl
Websites prove their identity via certificates. { -brand-short-name } does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for { $hostname }. The certificate is only valid for the following names: { $subject-alt-names }
Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s'enfota nesti sitiu porque usa un certificáu que nun ye válidu pa { $hostname }. El certificáu namás ye válidu pa los nomes de darréu: { $subject-alt-names }
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutCertError.ftl
Websites prove their identity via certificates. { -brand-short-name } does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for { $hostname }. The certificate is only valid for <a data-l10n-name="domain-mismatch-link">{ $alt-name }</a>.
Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s'enfota nesti sitiu porque usa un certificáu que nun ye válidu pa { $hostname }. El certificáu namás ye válidu pa <a data-l10n-name="domain-mismatch-link">{ $alt-name }</a>.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutCertError.ftl
Websites prove their identity via certificates. { -brand-short-name } does not trust this site because it uses a certificate that is not valid for { $hostname }. The certificate is only valid for { $alt-name }.
Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s'enfota nesti sitiu porque usa un certificáu que nun ye válidu pa { $hostname }. El certificáu namás ye válidu pa { $alt-name }.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutCertError.ftl
Websites prove their identity via certificates. { -brand-short-name } does not trust { $hostname } because its certificate issuer is unknown, the certificate is self-signed, or the server is not sending the correct intermediate certificates.
Los sitios web demuestren la so identidá per certificaos. { -brand-short-name } nun s'enfota en { $hostname } porque nun se conoz el so emisor de certificaos, el certificáu ta robláu por sigo mesmu o'l sirvidor nun unvia los certificaos intermedios correutos.
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