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Displaying 3 results for the string Composer cannot edit HTML framesets, or pages with inline frames. For framesets, try editing the page for each frame separately. For pages with iframes, save a copy of the page and remove the in en-US:

Entity en-US cy
Entity # all locales editor • ui • chrome • composer •
Composer cannot edit HTML framesets, or pages with inline frames. For framesets, try editing the page for each frame separately. For pages with iframes, save a copy of the page and remove the <iframe> tag.
Nid yw'r golygydd yn gallu golygu fframsetiau HTML na thudalennau gyda fframiau mewnlin. Ar gyfer fframsetiau ceisiwch olygu'r dudalen ar gyfer pob ffrâm ar wahân. Am dudalennau gyda fframiau, cadwch gopi o'r dudalen a thynnu'r tag <iframe>.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • messengercompose •
Composer cannot edit HTML framesets, or pages with inline frames. For framesets, try editing the page for each frame separately. For pages with iframes, save a copy of the page and remove the <iframe> tag.
Nid yw'r golygydd yn gallu golygu fframsetiau HTML na thudalennau gyda fframiau mewnlin. Ar gyfer fframsetiau ceisiwch olygu'r dudalen ar gyfer pob ffrâm ar wahân. Am dudalennau gyda fframiau, cadwch gopi o'r dudalen a thynnu'r tag <iframe>.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • editor •
Composer cannot edit HTML framesets, or pages with inline frames. For framesets, try editing the page for each frame separately. For pages with iframes, save a copy of the page and remove the <iframe> tag.
Warning: Missing string

No matching results for the string Composer cannot edit HTML framesets, or pages with inline frames. For framesets, try editing the page for each frame separately. For pages with iframes, save a copy of the page and remove the for the locale cy

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