
Warning: the current search includes leading or trailing whitespaces.
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Displaying 140 results for the string is a in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales browser • browser • aboutDialog.ftl
<label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.
<label data-l10n-name="community-exp-mozillaLink">{ -vendor-short-name }</label> is a <label data-l10n-name="community-exp-creditsLink">global community</label> working together to keep the Web open, public and accessible to all.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • browser.ftl
This is a secure { -brand-short-name } page.
This is a secure { -brand-short-name } page.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • protections.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } can protect your privacy behind the scenes while you browse. This is a personalized summary of those protections, including tools to take control of your online security.
{ -brand-short-name } can protect your privacy behind the scenes while you browse. This is a personalized summary of those protections, including tools to take control of your online security.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • protections.ftl
{ -brand-short-name } protects your privacy behind the scenes while you browse. This is a personalized summary of those protections, including tools to take control of your online security.
{ -brand-short-name } protects your privacy behind the scenes while you browse. This is a personalized summary of those protections, including tools to take control of your online security.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • safeMode.ftl
Safe Mode is a special mode of { -brand-short-name } that can be used to troubleshoot issues.
Safe Mode is a special mode of { -brand-short-name } that can be used to troubleshoot issues.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • screenshots.ftl
We couldn’t save your shot because there is a problem with the { -screenshots-brand-name } service. Please try again later.
We couldn’t save your shot because there is a problem with the { -screenshots-brand-name } service. Please try again later.
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • calendar •
This is a counter proposal for a previous version of this event.
This is a counter proposal for a previous version of this event.
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • calendar •
The resource at %1$S is a DAV collection but not a CalDAV calendar
The resource at %1$S is a DAV collection but not a CalDAV calendar
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • calendar •
%1$S is a non-participant.
%1$S is a non-participant.
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • calendar •
%1$S is a required participant.
%1$S is a required participant.
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • lightning •
%1$S is a non-participant.
%1$S is a non-participant.
Entity # all locales calendar • chrome • lightning •
%1$S is a required participant.
%1$S is a required participant.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • dom •
TestingDeprecatedInterface.deprecatedAttribute is a testing-only attribute and this is its testing deprecation message.
TestingDeprecatedInterface.deprecatedAttribute is a testing-only attribute and this is its testing deprecation message.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • dom •
TestingDeprecatedInterface is a testing-only interface and this is its testing deprecation message.
TestingDeprecatedInterface is a testing-only interface and this is its testing deprecation message.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • dom •
TestingDeprecatedInterface.deprecatedMethod() is a testing-only method and this is its testing deprecation message.
TestingDeprecatedInterface.deprecatedMethod() is a testing-only method and this is its testing deprecation message.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • dom •
Request for fullscreen was denied because requesting element is a <dialog> element.
Request for fullscreen was denied because requesting element is a <dialog> element.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • dom •
The MediaStreamTrack passed to createMediaStreamTrackSource is a cross-origin resource, the node will output silence.
The MediaStreamTrack passed to createMediaStreamTrackSource is a cross-origin resource, the node will output silence.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • security •
Password fields present in a form with an insecure (http://) form action. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
Password fields present in a form with an insecure (http://) form action. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • security •
Password fields present on an insecure (http://) iframe. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
Password fields present on an insecure (http://) iframe. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
Entity # all locales dom • chrome • security •
Password fields present on an insecure (http://) page. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
Password fields present on an insecure (http://) page. This is a security risk that allows user login credentials to be stolen.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Defines <alias-name> as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by <command-list>. If <command-list> is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed; if omitted, the alias will be displayed. If <alias-name> is not provided, all aliases will be listed.
Defines <alias-name> as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by <command-list>. If <command-list> is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed; if omitted, the alias will be displayed. If <alias-name> is not provided, all aliases will be listed.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <channel> is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the current channel. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the current channel. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Displays the "links" to the current server. This is a list of the other servers in the network which are directly connected to the one you are connected to.
Displays the "links" to the current server. This is a list of the other servers in the network which are directly connected to the one you are connected to.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network <network>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If <network> is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the current network. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the current network. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the value of the plugin's preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences for <plugin> will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Sets the value of the plugin's preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences for <plugin> will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value>. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the user <user>. <motif> can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If <motif> is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If <user> is not provided, the current user is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at <> for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the current user. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Sets the value of the preference named <pref-name> to the value of <pref-value> on the current user. If <pref-value> is not provided, the current value of <pref-name> will be displayed. If both <pref-name> and <pref-value> are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If <pref-value> is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Welcome to ChatZilla\nBelow is a short selection of information to help you get started using ChatZilla.
Welcome to ChatZilla\nBelow is a short selection of information to help you get started using ChatZilla.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Allows you to make shortcuts to various commands or sequences of commands. Each item is of the form "<name> = <command-list>". The command-list is a list of commands (without the leading "/") along with their parameters, each separated by ";". The name of the alias will automatically be turned into a command when ChatZilla starts.
Allows you to make shortcuts to various commands or sequences of commands. Each item is of the form "<name> = <command-list>". The command-list is a list of commands (without the leading "/") along with their parameters, each separated by ";". The name of the alias will automatically be turned into a command when ChatZilla starts.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
This preference is for debugging ChatZilla and can generate a lot of debug output (usually to the console). It is a list of letters, signifying what you want debug messages about. "c" for context menus (dumps data when opening a context menu), "d" for dispatch (dumps data when dispatching commands), and "t" for trace/hook (dumps data about hooks and the event queue processing) debugging.
This preference is for debugging ChatZilla and can generate a lot of debug output (usually to the console). It is a list of letters, signifying what you want debug messages about. "c" for context menus (dumps data when opening a context menu), "d" for dispatch (dumps data when dispatching commands), and "t" for trace/hook (dumps data about hooks and the event queue processing) debugging.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
The currently selected motif file. A Motif is a CSS file that describes how do display the chat view, and can be used to customize the display.
The currently selected motif file. A Motif is a CSS file that describes how do display the chat view, and can be used to customize the display.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
This is a list of nicknames you want ChatZilla to try if the one you were using happens to be already in use. Your normal nickname need not be listed.
This is a list of nicknames you want ChatZilla to try if the one you were using happens to be already in use. Your normal nickname need not be listed.
Entity # all locales extensions • irc • chrome •
Your username is used to construct your "host mask", which is a string representing you. It includes your connection's host name and this username. It is sometimes used for setting auto-op, bans, and other things specific to one person.
Your username is used to construct your "host mask", which is a string representing you. It includes your connection's host name and this username. It is sometimes used for setting auto-op, bans, and other things specific to one person.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • aboutDialog.dtd
is a
is a
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • accountCreation.dtd
Congratulations! This is a secure server.
Congratulations! This is a secure server.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • am-server-top.dtd
The following is a special account. There are no identities associated with it.
The following is a special account. There are no identities associated with it.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
The IMAP server %S does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
The IMAP server %S does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This is a mail folder shared by the user '%S'.
This is a mail folder shared by the user '%S'.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This is a personal mail folder. It is not shared.
This is a personal mail folder. It is not shared.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This is a personal mail folder. It has been shared.
This is a personal mail folder. It has been shared.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This is a public folder.
This is a public folder.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This POP3 server does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
This POP3 server does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
%1$S thinks this message is a scam. The links in the message may be trying to impersonate web pages you want to visit. Are you sure you want to visit %2$S?
%1$S thinks this message is a scam. The links in the message may be trying to impersonate web pages you want to visit. Are you sure you want to visit %2$S?
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This is a draft message.
This is a draft message.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger • messengercompose •
This is a large file. It might be better to use Filelink instead.;These are large files. It might be better to use Filelink instead.
This is a large file. It might be better to use Filelink instead.;These are large files. It might be better to use Filelink instead.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • messenger •
This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %S.
This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %S.
Entity # all locales mail • chrome • mozldap •
Object is a leaf
Object is a leaf
Entity # all locales mail • installer •
$BrandShortName is a full-featured email application. $BrandShortName supports IMAP and POP mail protocols, as well as HTML mail formatting. Built-in junk mail controls, RSS capabilities, powerful quick search, spell check as you type, global inbox, and advanced message filtering round out $BrandShortName's modern feature set.
$BrandShortName is a full-featured email application. $BrandShortName supports IMAP and POP mail protocols, as well as HTML mail formatting. Built-in junk mail controls, RSS capabilities, powerful quick search, spell check as you type, global inbox, and advanced message filtering round out $BrandShortName's modern feature set.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • openpgp • openpgp.ftl
Unable to send the message, because there is a problem with your personal key. { $problem }
Unable to send the message, because there is a problem with your personal key. { $problem }
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • openpgp • openpgp.ftl
This is a key with a complex structure, changing its expiry date isn't supported.
This is a key with a complex structure, changing its expiry date isn't supported.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • otr • auth.ftl
Contact your intended conversation partner via some other authenticated channel, such as OpenPGP-signed email or over the phone. You should tell each other your fingerprints. (A fingerprint is a checksum that identifies an encryption key.) If the fingerprint matches, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.
Contact your intended conversation partner via some other authenticated channel, such as OpenPGP-signed email or over the phone. You should tell each other your fingerprints. (A fingerprint is a checksum that identifies an encryption key.) If the fingerprint matches, you should indicate in the dialog below that you have verified the fingerprint.
Entity # all locales mail • messenger • preferences • preferences.ftl
Tell me if the message I'm reading is a suspected email scam
Tell me if the message I'm reading is a suspected email scam
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • feeds •
This is a "podcast" of frequently changing content on this website.
This is a "podcast" of frequently changing content on this website.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • feeds •
This is a "feed" of frequently changing content on this website.
This is a "feed" of frequently changing content on this website.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • feeds •
This is a "video podcast" of frequently changing content on this website.
This is a "video podcast" of frequently changing content on this website.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-history.dtd
History is a list of previously visited pages.
History is a list of previously visited pages.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-proxies-advanced.dtd
A SOCKS proxy is a generic proxy sometimes used in corporate or similar environments.
A SOCKS proxy is a generic proxy sometimes used in corporate or similar environments.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • common • pref • pref-proxies.dtd
A Proxy is a network service that can filter and speed up your Internet connection.
A Proxy is a network service that can filter and speed up your Internet connection.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
The IMAP server %S does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
The IMAP server %S does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
This is a mail folder shared by the user '%S'.
This is a mail folder shared by the user '%S'.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
This is a personal mail folder. It is not shared.
This is a personal mail folder. It is not shared.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
This is a personal mail folder. It has been shared.
This is a personal mail folder. It has been shared.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
This is a public folder.
This is a public folder.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
This POP3 server does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
This POP3 server does not seem to support encrypted passwords. If you just set up the account, please try changing to 'Password, transmitted insecurely' as the 'Authentication method' in the 'Account Settings | Server settings'. If it used to work and now suddenly fails, this is a common scenario how someone could steal your password.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews •
This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %S.
This is a Return Receipt for the mail that you sent to %S.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews • pref • am-server-top.dtd
The following is a special account. There are no identities associated with it.
The following is a special account. There are no identities associated with it.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews • pref • pref-junk.dtd
Tell me if the message I'm reading is a suspected email scam
Tell me if the message I'm reading is a suspected email scam
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mailnews • start.dtd
&brandShortName; Mail &amp; Newsgroups is a powerful open-source mail and news client, supporting advanced junk mail detection and other useful features.
&brandShortName; Mail &amp; Newsgroups is a powerful open-source mail and news client, supporting advanced junk mail detection and other useful features.
Entity # all locales suite • chrome • mozldap •
Object is a leaf
Object is a leaf
Entity # all locales toolkit • chrome • global •
This is a list of studies that you have participated in. No new studies will run.
This is a list of studies that you have participated in. No new studies will run.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutAbout.ftl
This is a list of “about” pages for your convenience.<br/> Some of them might be confusing. Some are for diagnostic purposes only.<br/> And some are omitted because they require query strings.
This is a list of “about” pages for your convenience.<br/> Some of them might be confusing. Some are for diagnostic purposes only.<br/> And some are omitted because they require query strings.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutGlean.ftl
The <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">Glean SDK</a> is a data collection library used in Mozilla products. This page is for developers and testers who need to <a data-l10n-name="fog-debug-doc-link">configure debugging and logging state in the Glean SDK</a>.
The <a data-l10n-name="glean-sdk-doc-link">Glean SDK</a> is a data collection library used in Mozilla products. This page is for developers and testers who need to <a data-l10n-name="fog-debug-doc-link">configure debugging and logging state in the Glean SDK</a>.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutHttpsOnlyError.ftl
There is a secure version of <em>www.{ $websiteUrl }</em>. You can visit this page instead of <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em>.
There is a secure version of <em>www.{ $websiteUrl }</em>. You can visit this page instead of <em>{ $websiteUrl }</em>.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • about • aboutProfiles.ftl
This page helps you to manage your profiles. Each profile is a separate world which contains separate history, bookmarks, settings and add-ons.
This page helps you to manage your profiles. Each profile is a separate world which contains separate history, bookmarks, settings and add-ons.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • featuregates • features.ftl
Fission (site isolation) is an experimental feature in { -brand-short-name } to provide an additional layer of defense against security bugs. By isolating each site into a separate process, Fission makes it harder for malicious websites to get access to information from other pages you are visiting. This is a major architectural change in { -brand-short-name } and we appreciate you testing and reporting any issues you might encounter. For more details, see <a data-l10n-name="wiki">the wiki</a>.
Fission (site isolation) is an experimental feature in { -brand-short-name } to provide an additional layer of defense against security bugs. By isolating each site into a separate process, Fission makes it harder for malicious websites to get access to information from other pages you are visiting. This is a major architectural change in { -brand-short-name } and we appreciate you testing and reporting any issues you might encounter. For more details, see <a data-l10n-name="wiki">the wiki</a>.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • featuregates • features.ftl
An IME (Input Method Editor) is a tool that allows you to enter complex symbols, such as those used in East Asian or Indic written languages, using a standard keyboard. Enabling this experiment will keep the address bar panel open, showing search results and suggestions, while using IME to input text. Note that the IME might display a panel that covers the address bar results, therefore this preference is only suggested for IME not using this type of panel.
An IME (Input Method Editor) is a tool that allows you to enter complex symbols, such as those used in East Asian or Indic written languages, using a standard keyboard. Enabling this experiment will keep the address bar panel open, showing search results and suggestions, while using IME to input text. Note that the IME might display a panel that covers the address bar results, therefore this preference is only suggested for IME not using this type of panel.
Entity # all locales toolkit • toolkit • featuregates • features.ftl
With this feature enabled, { -brand-short-name } supports the AV1 Image File (AVIF) format. This is a still image file format that leverages the capabilities of the AV1 video compression algorithms to reduce image size. See <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla">bug 1443863</a> for more details.
With this feature enabled, { -brand-short-name } supports the AV1 Image File (AVIF) format. This is a still image file format that leverages the capabilities of the AV1 video compression algorithms to reduce image size. See <a data-l10n-name="bugzilla">bug 1443863</a> for more details.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • accounts.ftl
There is a way to protect your privacy. Join { -brand-name-firefox }.
There is a way to protect your privacy. Join { -brand-name-firefox }.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • accounts.ftl
There is a way to protect your privacy. <span>Join { -brand-name-firefox }.</span>
There is a way to protect your privacy. <span>Join { -brand-name-firefox }.</span>
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
A browser is still a tool, so it makes sense that you’ll want to pick the best one for the job. If you’re a human who needs to work to survive, you’ll need a fast internet browser. One thing to keep in mind is a browser that runs third-party trackers is more likely to be slower than a browser that doesn’t. Third-party trackers are cookies, and while you can’t see them, they are running in the background of the site, taking up precious time. The more third-party trackers a browser blocks, the faster it can run.
A browser is still a tool, so it makes sense that you’ll want to pick the best one for the job. If you’re a human who needs to work to survive, you’ll need a fast internet browser. One thing to keep in mind is a browser that runs third-party trackers is more likely to be slower than a browser that doesn’t. Third-party trackers are cookies, and while you can’t see them, they are running in the background of the site, taking up precious time. The more third-party trackers a browser blocks, the faster it can run.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
Choosing the best browser for you is a lot like choosing a home. You want to explore your options, do some research and make a decision based on what’s important to you.
Choosing the best browser for you is a lot like choosing a home. You want to explore your options, do some research and make a decision based on what’s important to you.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
Privacy on the web is a hot button issue. If privacy is number one on your list of priorities, you want to look for a browser that takes that seriously. When choosing the best private browser for you, look at the tracking policy and how a browser handles your data. These seem like technical questions, but they’re the reason some browsers are more private than others.
Privacy on the web is a hot button issue. If privacy is number one on your list of priorities, you want to look for a browser that takes that seriously. When choosing the best private browser for you, look at the tracking policy and how a browser handles your data. These seem like technical questions, but they’re the reason some browsers are more private than others.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
The internet has become as essential as electricity and running water, so choosing the best browser for you is more important than ever. The internet is a second office, a teacher and sometimes a medical advisor, even if your actual doctor would prefer you didn’t look up your symptoms online.
The internet has become as essential as electricity and running water, so choosing the best browser for you is more important than ever. The internet is a second office, a teacher and sometimes a medical advisor, even if your actual doctor would prefer you didn’t look up your symptoms online.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • best-browser.ftl
Today is a different story. Ads, privacy hacks, security breaches, and fake news might have you looking at other qualities in a browser. How does the browser protect your privacy? Does it allow trackers to follow you across the web? Is it built to multitask and handle many computer and internet operations at once?
Today is a different story. Ads, privacy hacks, security breaches, and fake news might have you looking at other qualities in a browser. How does the browser protect your privacy? Does it allow trackers to follow you across the web? Is it built to multitask and handle many computer and internet operations at once?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
{ -brand-name-brave }’s advertising replacement idea is a twist on the current model of paid ad placement and paid search. But again, some busy Internet users will probably not want to get too involved with the management of micro payments to sites in exchange for their time and attention.
{ -brand-name-brave }’s advertising replacement idea is a twist on the current model of paid ad placement and paid search. But again, some busy Internet users will probably not want to get too involved with the management of micro payments to sites in exchange for their time and attention.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
Just like the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, the { -brand-name-brave } browser is free, open source and focused on protecting users’ privacy. { -brand-name-brave } is a relative newcomer to the world of browsers: its maker, { -brand-name-brave } Software, first debuted the browser in January 2016. In this article we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox } browser with the { -brand-name-brave } browser in three categories: privacy, utility and portability.
Just like the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, the { -brand-name-brave } browser is free, open source and focused on protecting users’ privacy. { -brand-name-brave } is a relative newcomer to the world of browsers: its maker, { -brand-name-brave } Software, first debuted the browser in January 2016. In this article we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox } browser with the { -brand-name-brave } browser in three categories: privacy, utility and portability.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
Overall, { -brand-name-brave } is a fast and secure browser that will have particular appeal to cryptocurrency users. But for the vast majority of internet citizens, { -brand-name-firefox } remains a better and simpler solution.
Overall, { -brand-name-brave } is a fast and secure browser that will have particular appeal to cryptocurrency users. But for the vast majority of internet citizens, { -brand-name-firefox } remains a better and simpler solution.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
The ability to sync your passwords, extensions, form data, add-ons and other preferences across all your devices and operating systems is a feature that’s been available for years with { -brand-name-firefox }. The synced data is also encrypted, which means no one can access it from the outside.
The ability to sync your passwords, extensions, form data, add-ons and other preferences across all your devices and operating systems is a feature that’s been available for years with { -brand-name-firefox }. The synced data is also encrypted, which means no one can access it from the outside.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a fast and open source browser, which means users can customize their browsing experience in every way possible. { -brand-name-firefox } also allows the casual user several different ways to customize the UI with applying different themes and toolbar configurations. Since our browser has always been open source, we have a large following of devoted developers who have created an extensive library of add-ons and browser extensions.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a fast and open source browser, which means users can customize their browsing experience in every way possible. { -brand-name-firefox } also allows the casual user several different ways to customize the UI with applying different themes and toolbar configurations. Since our browser has always been open source, we have a large following of devoted developers who have created an extensive library of add-ons and browser extensions.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a fast and open source browser, which means users can customize their browsing experience in every way possible. { -brand-name-firefox } also allows the casual user several different ways to customize the UI with applying different themes and toolbar configurations. Since our browser has always been open source we have a large following of devoted developers who have created an extensive library of add-ons and browser extensions.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a fast and open source browser, which means users can customize their browsing experience in every way possible. { -brand-name-firefox } also allows the casual user several different ways to customize the UI with applying different themes and toolbar configurations. Since our browser has always been open source we have a large following of devoted developers who have created an extensive library of add-ons and browser extensions.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
In terms of head to head utility, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-firefox } are close competitors. { -brand-name-opera } may have an advantage in one aspect with its compatibility with and access to { -brand-name-chrome }’s huge extension library. But one significant factor to consider is the fact that { -brand-name-opera }, because it’s built on { -brand-name-chromium }, is a processor-hungry browser with its RAM consumption comparable to { -brand-name-chrome }, which is known for its high CPU usage.
In terms of head to head utility, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-firefox } are close competitors. { -brand-name-opera } may have an advantage in one aspect with its compatibility with and access to { -brand-name-chrome }’s huge extension library. But one significant factor to consider is the fact that { -brand-name-opera }, because it’s built on { -brand-name-chromium }, is a processor-hungry browser with its RAM consumption comparable to { -brand-name-chrome }, which is known for its high CPU usage.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
{ -brand-name-opera } provides a lot of hidden utility within its simple and manageable interface. For example there’s built-in support for messaging apps, like { -brand-name-facebook } Messenger. There’s also a news reader that aggregates articles from your choice of sites and news outlets. The parallel feature to this on { -brand-name-firefox } is called <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } is a free service for { -brand-name-firefox } account holders that makes it easy to find and save interesting articles and videos from all around the web. In addition, it recommends a variety of articles that expand your knowledge base curated by real, thoughtful humans.
{ -brand-name-opera } provides a lot of hidden utility within its simple and manageable interface. For example there’s built-in support for messaging apps, like { -brand-name-facebook } Messenger. There’s also a news reader that aggregates articles from your choice of sites and news outlets. The parallel feature to this on { -brand-name-firefox } is called <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } is a free service for { -brand-name-firefox } account holders that makes it easy to find and save interesting articles and videos from all around the web. In addition, it recommends a variety of articles that expand your knowledge base curated by real, thoughtful humans.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
Overall, { -brand-name-opera } is a solid browser, with a clean interface and a lot of useful features available. There are, however, some serious privacy concerns as well as an issue with it using a lot of processing power. Although { -brand-name-opera } has some really terrific ease of use features, we still believe { -brand-name-firefox } remains a superior browser based on performance and with a transparent user-privacy stance and strict privacy protections.
Overall, { -brand-name-opera } is a solid browser, with a clean interface and a lot of useful features available. There are, however, some serious privacy concerns as well as an issue with it using a lot of processing power. Although { -brand-name-opera } has some really terrific ease of use features, we still believe { -brand-name-firefox } remains a superior browser based on performance and with a transparent user-privacy stance and strict privacy protections.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
There’s no debate that { -brand-name-opera } is a feature-packed browser with a clean user interface and strong customization options. Because { -brand-name-opera } is built on { -brand-name-chromium }, it can take advantage of most of { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }’s vast extension library. { -brand-name-firefox } also features a large <a { $attrs }>extension library to browse</a>, but not quite as large as { -brand-name-chrome }’s.
There’s no debate that { -brand-name-opera } is a feature-packed browser with a clean user interface and strong customization options. Because { -brand-name-opera } is built on { -brand-name-chromium }, it can take advantage of most of { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }’s vast extension library. { -brand-name-firefox } also features a large <a { $attrs }>extension library to browse</a>, but not quite as large as { -brand-name-chrome }’s.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
Also, when you sign up for a { -brand-name-firefox } account you get access to some unique services like Screenshots, <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> and <a { $send }>{ -brand-name-send }</a> that integrate directly into the browser. Screenshots is a feature built right into the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, allowing you to copy or download any or all part of a web page. When you save the screenshot, you can also choose which folder you want to find it in, instead of cluttering your desktop. The { -brand-name-pocket } for { -brand-name-firefox } button lets you save web pages and videos to { -brand-name-pocket } in just one click, so you can read a clean, distraction-free version whenever and wherever you want — even offline. With { -brand-name-send }, you can share large files with end-to-end encryption and a variety of security controls, such as the ability to set an expiration time for a file link to expire, the number of downloads, and whether to add an optional password for an extra layer of security.
Also, when you sign up for a { -brand-name-firefox } account you get access to some unique services like Screenshots, <a { $pocket }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a> and <a { $send }>{ -brand-name-send }</a> that integrate directly into the browser. Screenshots is a feature built right into the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, allowing you to copy or download any or all part of a web page. When you save the screenshot, you can also choose which folder you want to find it in, instead of cluttering your desktop. The { -brand-name-pocket } for { -brand-name-firefox } button lets you save web pages and videos to { -brand-name-pocket } in just one click, so you can read a clean, distraction-free version whenever and wherever you want — even offline. With { -brand-name-send }, you can share large files with end-to-end encryption and a variety of security controls, such as the ability to set an expiration time for a file link to expire, the number of downloads, and whether to add an optional password for an extra layer of security.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
{ -brand-name-safari } does a great job of making the browsing experience simple, fast, and seamless if you’re an { -brand-name-apple } user with multiple { -brand-name-apple } products. Like { -brand-name-safari }, { -brand-name-firefox } is a fast and utilitarian browser, but privacy and cross-platform compatibility are our defining features. { -brand-name-firefox } updates each month with new features and functionality. For example, one recent update switched on our <a { $attrs }>Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP)</a> by default for new users, which effectively blocks cookies and cross-site trackers.
{ -brand-name-safari } does a great job of making the browsing experience simple, fast, and seamless if you’re an { -brand-name-apple } user with multiple { -brand-name-apple } products. Like { -brand-name-safari }, { -brand-name-firefox } is a fast and utilitarian browser, but privacy and cross-platform compatibility are our defining features. { -brand-name-firefox } updates each month with new features and functionality. For example, one recent update switched on our <a { $attrs }>Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP)</a> by default for new users, which effectively blocks cookies and cross-site trackers.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
All browser makers develop their products to display images and video as quickly and smoothly as possible, making it easy for you to make the most of the web. They all work hard to make sure users have a browser that is fast, powerful and easy to use. Where they differ is why. It’s important to choose the right browser for you. { -brand-name-mozilla } builds { -brand-name-firefox } to ensure that users have control over their online lives and to ensure that the internet is a global, public resource, accessible to all.
All browser makers develop their products to display images and video as quickly and smoothly as possible, making it easy for you to make the most of the web. They all work hard to make sure users have a browser that is fast, powerful and easy to use. Where they differ is why. It’s important to choose the right browser for you. { -brand-name-mozilla } builds { -brand-name-firefox } to ensure that users have control over their online lives and to ensure that the internet is a global, public resource, accessible to all.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
The web is a vast and powerful tool. Over the course of a few decades, the internet has changed the way we work, the way we play and the way we interact with one another. Depending on how it’s used, it bridges nations, drives commerce, nurtures relationships, drives the innovation engine of the future and is responsible for more memes than we know what to do with.
The web is a vast and powerful tool. Over the course of a few decades, the internet has changed the way we work, the way we play and the way we interact with one another. Depending on how it’s used, it bridges nations, drives commerce, nurtures relationships, drives the innovation engine of the future and is responsible for more memes than we know what to do with.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
What is a web browser?
What is a web browser?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
An ad blocker is a piece of software that can be used to block ads, and they work in two ways. The first way is when an ad blocker blocks the signal from an advertiser’s server, so the ad never shows up on your page. Another way ad blockers work is by blocking out sections of a website that could be ads.
An ad blocker is a piece of software that can be used to block ads, and they work in two ways. The first way is when an ad blocker blocks the signal from an advertiser’s server, so the ad never shows up on your page. Another way ad blockers work is by blocking out sections of a website that could be ads.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • adblocker.ftl
If seeing too many ads ruins your day, then the Strict mode is a better fit. This mode will block known third-party trackers and cookies in all { -brand-name-firefox } windows.
If seeing too many ads ruins your day, then the Strict mode is a better fit. This mode will block known third-party trackers and cookies in all { -brand-name-firefox } windows.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fast.ftl
No one likes a computer hog! { -brand-name-firefox } is a lean, mean (actually we’re pretty nice) browsing machine. Since we use less RAM than { -brand-name-chrome }, your other programs can keep running at top speed.
No one likes a computer hog! { -brand-name-firefox } is a lean, mean (actually we’re pretty nice) browsing machine. Since we use less RAM than { -brand-name-chrome }, your other programs can keep running at top speed.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fingerprinting.ftl
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking. A digital fingerprint is created when a company makes a unique profile of you based on your computer hardware, software, add-ons, and even preferences. Your settings like the screen you use, the fonts installed on your computer, and even your choice of a web browser can all be used to create a fingerprint.
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking. A digital fingerprint is created when a company makes a unique profile of you based on your computer hardware, software, add-ons, and even preferences. Your settings like the screen you use, the fonts installed on your computer, and even your choice of a web browser can all be used to create a fingerprint.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fingerprinting.ftl
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that's why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that's why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • independent.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a browser with a conscience. As part of the technology non-profit { -brand-name-mozilla }, we fight for your online rights, keep corporate powers in check and help educate developing countries on healthy Internet practices. So when you choose { -brand-name-firefox }, we’re choosing you, too.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a browser with a conscience. As part of the technology non-profit { -brand-name-mozilla }, we fight for your online rights, keep corporate powers in check and help educate developing countries on healthy Internet practices. So when you choose { -brand-name-firefox }, we’re choosing you, too.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • index.ftl
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that’s why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that’s why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more.ftl
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that’s why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Fingerprinting is a type of online tracking that’s more invasive than ordinary cookie-based tracking — that’s why { -brand-name-firefox-browser } blocks it.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • more.ftl
What is a web browser?
What is a web browser?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • new • desktop.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is available on all your devices; take your tabs, history and bookmarks with you. All you need is a <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox } account</a>.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is available on all your devices; take your tabs, history and bookmarks with you. All you need is a <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-firefox } account</a>.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • new • download.ftl
<strong>{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor }</strong> alerts you if we know your information is a part of another company’s data breach.
<strong>{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor }</strong> alerts you if we know your information is a part of another company’s data breach.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • nightly • whatsnew.ftl
This is a good time to thank you for helping us make { -brand-name-firefox } better and to give you some pointers to documentation, communication channels and news sites related to { -brand-name-nightly } that may be of interest to you.
This is a good time to thank you for helping us make { -brand-name-firefox } better and to give you some pointers to documentation, communication channels and news sites related to { -brand-name-nightly } that may be of interest to you.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
Bluetooth is a great invention that can save us a lot of cable clutter. However, most people don’t use it permanently. If you don’t own a smartwatch or another device that needs to be connected to your phone all the time, switch Bluetooth off. This can save battery power and, at the same time, removes a weak point that intruders might make use of.
Bluetooth is a great invention that can save us a lot of cable clutter. However, most people don’t use it permanently. If you don’t own a smartwatch or another device that needs to be connected to your phone all the time, switch Bluetooth off. This can save battery power and, at the same time, removes a weak point that intruders might make use of.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
<strong>Breach alert:</strong> If your data actually becomes public through a known breach, it is crucial to react as quickly as possible and change your passwords. { -brand-name-firefox-monitor } is a handy tool that will send you a message if that happens.
<strong>Breach alert:</strong> If your data actually becomes public through a known breach, it is crucial to react as quickly as possible and change your passwords. { -brand-name-firefox-monitor } is a handy tool that will send you a message if that happens.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
It’s not unusual to see addresses on the internet start with HTTP. This is a protocol that makes it possible to load web pages in the browser. Try, whenever possible, to use the encrypted option HTTPS instead. This is especially true if you are using a public WIFI: even if the connection itself is not encrypted, HTTPS will ensure that the data you transmit is encrypted nevertheless.
It’s not unusual to see addresses on the internet start with HTTP. This is a protocol that makes it possible to load web pages in the browser. Try, whenever possible, to use the encrypted option HTTPS instead. This is especially true if you are using a public WIFI: even if the connection itself is not encrypted, HTTPS will ensure that the data you transmit is encrypted nevertheless.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
Signal is a free and secure encrypted messenger for { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-android } and various computer operating systems. The application is also backed by a foundation that supports open source and advocates freedom of speech.
Signal is a free and secure encrypted messenger for { -brand-name-ios }, { -brand-name-android } and various computer operating systems. The application is also backed by a foundation that supports open source and advocates freedom of speech.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • passwords.ftl
2FA is a great way to level-up your security. When setting up a new account, some sites will give you the option to add a “second factor” to the login process. Often, this means linking your phone number to your account, so after you enter your password, you will be prompted to enter a secure code texted directly to you. This way, if a hacker has managed to get your password, they still won’t be able to get into your account, since they don’t have your phone.
2FA is a great way to level-up your security. When setting up a new account, some sites will give you the option to add a “second factor” to the login process. Often, this means linking your phone number to your account, so after you enter your password, you will be prompted to enter a secure code texted directly to you. This way, if a hacker has managed to get your password, they still won’t be able to get into your account, since they don’t have your phone.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • passwords.ftl
The secret to preventing guessing, theft or password reset is a whole lot of randomness. When attackers try to guess passwords, they usually do two things: 1) Use “dictionaries” — lists of common passwords that people use all the time, and 2) make some random guesses. The <strong>longer and more random your password is</strong>, the less likely that either of these guessing techniques will find it.
The secret to preventing guessing, theft or password reset is a whole lot of randomness. When attackers try to guess passwords, they usually do two things: 1) Use “dictionaries” — lists of common passwords that people use all the time, and 2) make some random guesses. The <strong>longer and more random your password is</strong>, the less likely that either of these guessing techniques will find it.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • sync.ftl
All you need for { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is a { -brand-name-firefox-account }.
All you need for { -brand-name-firefox-sync } is a { -brand-name-firefox-account }.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • manifesto.ftl
The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • manifesto.ftl
The { -brand-name-mozilla } project is a global community of people who believe that openness, innovation, and opportunity are key to the continued health of the internet. We have worked together since 1998 to ensure that the internet is developed in a way that benefits everyone. We are best known for creating the { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } web browser.
The { -brand-name-mozilla } project is a global community of people who believe that openness, innovation, and opportunity are key to the continued health of the internet. We have worked together since 1998 to ensure that the internet is developed in a way that benefits everyone. We are best known for creating the { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } web browser.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • about • manifesto.ftl
The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
The internet is a global public resource that must remain open and accessible.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • contribute.ftl
Our mission is to ensure the internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.
Our mission is to ensure the internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • contribute.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is a non-profit organization working to ensure the internet is open and welcoming to all. And we need your help. By joining our community, you can help drive innovation, enhance accountability and trust and make the internet a better place for everyone.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is a non-profit organization working to ensure the internet is open and welcoming to all. And we need your help. By joining our community, you can help drive innovation, enhance accountability and trust and make the internet a better place for everyone.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • mission.ftl
Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.
Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • mozorg • newsletters.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor } is a free service that lets you see if you’ve been involved in an online data breach.
{ -brand-name-firefox-monitor } is a free service that lets you see if you’ve been involved in an online data breach.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • navigation.ftl
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a whole family of products designed to keep you safer and smarter online.
{ -brand-name-firefox } is a whole family of products designed to keep you safer and smarter online.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • faq.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is not your average organization. Founded as a community open source project in 1998, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a mission-driven organization working towards a more healthy internet. The majority of { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }’s revenue is from royalties earned through { -brand-name-firefox } web browser search partnerships and distribution deals around the world. You can learn more about how we make money in our <a href="{ $link }">annual financial report</a>.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is not your average organization. Founded as a community open source project in 1998, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a mission-driven organization working towards a more healthy internet. The majority of { -brand-name-mozilla-corporation }’s revenue is from royalties earned through { -brand-name-firefox } web browser search partnerships and distribution deals around the world. You can learn more about how we make money in our <a href="{ $link }">annual financial report</a>.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • privacy • principles.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is an open source project with a mission to improve your internet experience. This is a driving force behind our privacy practices.
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is an open source project with a mission to improve your internet experience. This is a driving force behind our privacy practices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • landing.ftl
What is a VPN and what are its uses?
What is a VPN and what are its uses?
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • android.ftl
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is a name you can trust
{ -brand-name-mozilla } is a name you can trust
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • desktop.ftl
Best known for our { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a global community of users, contributors and developers dedicated to keeping the power of the internet in people’s hands. Founded in 1998, we’re one of the pioneers of the free and open web — and it’s our mission to keep it that way.
Best known for our { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a global community of users, contributors and developers dedicated to keeping the power of the internet in people’s hands. Founded in 1998, we’re one of the pioneers of the free and open web — and it’s our mission to keep it that way.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • desktop.ftl
At { -brand-name-mozilla }, we don’t collect any data about who you are or log your activity online — not through our VPN or any of our other products. Protecting your privacy is a core tenet of our mission.
At { -brand-name-mozilla }, we don’t collect any data about who you are or log your activity online — not through our VPN or any of our other products. Protecting your privacy is a core tenet of our mission.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • mobile.ftl
Best known for our { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a global community of users, contributors and developers dedicated to keeping the power of the internet in people’s hands. Founded in 1998, we’re one of the pioneers of the free and open web — and it’s our mission to keep it that way.
Best known for our { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a global community of users, contributors and developers dedicated to keeping the power of the internet in people’s hands. Founded in 1998, we’re one of the pioneers of the free and open web — and it’s our mission to keep it that way.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • mobile.ftl
At { -brand-name-mozilla }, we don’t collect any data about who you are or log your activity online — not through our VPN or any of our other products. Protecting your privacy is a core tenet of { -brand-name-mozilla }’s greater mission.
At { -brand-name-mozilla }, we don’t collect any data about who you are or log your activity online — not through our VPN or any of our other products. Protecting your privacy is a core tenet of { -brand-name-mozilla }’s greater mission.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • platforms • windows.ftl
The non-profit behind the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a community of internet citizens from around the world dedicated to keeping the internet a free and open resource for all. { -brand-name-mozilla }’s mission, to put people before profits, ensures that every product we make puts you first.
The non-profit behind the { -brand-name-firefox-browser }, { -brand-name-mozilla } is a community of internet citizens from around the world dedicated to keeping the internet a free and open resource for all. { -brand-name-mozilla }’s mission, to put people before profits, ensures that every product we make puts you first.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • products • vpn • shared.ftl
{ -brand-name-wireguard } is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld
{ -brand-name-wireguard } is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • sub_navigation.ftl
What is a Browser?
What is a Browser?
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