
Displaying 19 results for the string Utility in en-US:

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Entity # all locales devtools • client •
The original location of this listener cannot be detected. Maybe the code is transpiled by a utility such as Babel.
The original location of this listener cannot be detected. Maybe the code is transpiled by a utility such as Babel.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
Compare { -brand-name-brave } to the { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to find out which is the better browser for you in terms of privacy, utility and portability.
Compare { -brand-name-brave } to the { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to find out which is the better browser for you in terms of privacy, utility and portability.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • brave.ftl
Just like the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, the { -brand-name-brave } browser is free, open source and focused on protecting users’ privacy. { -brand-name-brave } is a relative newcomer to the world of browsers: its maker, { -brand-name-brave } Software, first debuted the browser in January 2016. In this article we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox } browser with the { -brand-name-brave } browser in three categories: privacy, utility and portability.
Just like the { -brand-name-firefox } browser, the { -brand-name-brave } browser is free, open source and focused on protecting users’ privacy. { -brand-name-brave } is a relative newcomer to the world of browsers: its maker, { -brand-name-brave } Software, first debuted the browser in January 2016. In this article we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox } browser with the { -brand-name-brave } browser in three categories: privacy, utility and portability.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
We compare { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } with { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } in terms of privacy, utility and portability
We compare { -brand-name-mozilla } { -brand-name-firefox } with { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } in terms of privacy, utility and portability
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
We think it’s fair to say { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-chrome } are really neck and neck in terms of portability and utility, with { -brand-name-chrome } having a slight edge in utility because of its huge library of extensions and add-on features. But in terms of Privacy, { -brand-name-firefox } wins the day with our commitment to preserving our users’ online data and providing free baked-in services like password managers that also alert you if there happens to be a data breach involving your credentials.
We think it’s fair to say { -brand-name-firefox } and { -brand-name-chrome } are really neck and neck in terms of portability and utility, with { -brand-name-chrome } having a slight edge in utility because of its huge library of extensions and add-on features. But in terms of Privacy, { -brand-name-firefox } wins the day with our commitment to preserving our users’ online data and providing free baked-in services like password managers that also alert you if there happens to be a data breach involving your credentials.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • edge.ftl
Here we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to the { -brand-name-chromium }-based { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } in terms of privacy, utility, and portability, to help you have a better understanding of which browser better suits your needs and preferences.
Here we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox-browser } to the { -brand-name-chromium }-based { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge } in terms of privacy, utility, and portability, to help you have a better understanding of which browser better suits your needs and preferences.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • ie.ftl
Here we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox-browser } with { -brand-name-ie } in terms of security, utility, and portability. We’ll help you understand the differences between how a modern browser like { -brand-name-firefox } that adheres to web standards compares with the browser you may be using for business purposes or out of old habits that die hard.
Here we’ll compare our { -brand-name-firefox-browser } with { -brand-name-ie } in terms of security, utility, and portability. We’ll help you understand the differences between how a modern browser like { -brand-name-firefox } that adheres to web standards compares with the browser you may be using for business purposes or out of old habits that die hard.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Based on the criteria we outlined — privacy, utility, and portability — there’s really only one browser that meets the mark, and that’s { -brand-name-firefox }. The real area of difference isn’t in functionality, it’s privacy. { -brand-name-firefox } is the most private browser that doesn’t lock you into an ecosystem. Use it on any operating system, on all your devices, and feel secure when you do.
Based on the criteria we outlined — privacy, utility, and portability — there’s really only one browser that meets the mark, and that’s { -brand-name-firefox }. The real area of difference isn’t in functionality, it’s privacy. { -brand-name-firefox } is the most private browser that doesn’t lock you into an ecosystem. Use it on any operating system, on all your devices, and feel secure when you do.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Find out how { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-safari }, { -brand-name-opera }, { -brand-name-brave } and { -brand-name-ie } differ in terms of privacy, utility and portability.
Find out how { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-safari }, { -brand-name-opera }, { -brand-name-brave } and { -brand-name-ie } differ in terms of privacy, utility and portability.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Find out how { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-safari }, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-ie } differ in terms of privacy, utility and portability.
Find out how { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-safari }, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-ie } differ in terms of privacy, utility and portability.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Privacy. Utility. Portability.
Privacy. Utility. Portability.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Since your browser is your gateway to the internet, speed, security, privacy and utility are paramount. In recent years, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } has been the browser of choice for many. But at a time when online ads seem to follow us everywhere and data breaches are a fixture of news headlines, a lot of people are starting to demand more privacy and respect from their browser.
Since your browser is your gateway to the internet, speed, security, privacy and utility are paramount. In recent years, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome } has been the browser of choice for many. But at a time when online ads seem to follow us everywhere and data breaches are a fixture of news headlines, a lot of people are starting to demand more privacy and respect from their browser.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
In terms of head to head utility, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-firefox } are close competitors. { -brand-name-opera } may have an advantage in one aspect with its compatibility with and access to { -brand-name-chrome }’s huge extension library. But one significant factor to consider is the fact that { -brand-name-opera }, because it’s built on { -brand-name-chromium }, is a processor-hungry browser with its RAM consumption comparable to { -brand-name-chrome }, which is known for its high CPU usage.
In terms of head to head utility, { -brand-name-opera } and { -brand-name-firefox } are close competitors. { -brand-name-opera } may have an advantage in one aspect with its compatibility with and access to { -brand-name-chrome }’s huge extension library. But one significant factor to consider is the fact that { -brand-name-opera }, because it’s built on { -brand-name-chromium }, is a processor-hungry browser with its RAM consumption comparable to { -brand-name-chrome }, which is known for its high CPU usage.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
{ -brand-name-opera } provides a lot of hidden utility within its simple and manageable interface. For example there’s built-in support for messaging apps, like { -brand-name-facebook } Messenger. There’s also a news reader that aggregates articles from your choice of sites and news outlets. The parallel feature to this on { -brand-name-firefox } is called <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } is a free service for { -brand-name-firefox } account holders that makes it easy to find and save interesting articles and videos from all around the web. In addition, it recommends a variety of articles that expand your knowledge base curated by real, thoughtful humans.
{ -brand-name-opera } provides a lot of hidden utility within its simple and manageable interface. For example there’s built-in support for messaging apps, like { -brand-name-facebook } Messenger. There’s also a news reader that aggregates articles from your choice of sites and news outlets. The parallel feature to this on { -brand-name-firefox } is called <a { $attrs }>{ -brand-name-pocket }</a>. { -brand-name-pocket } is a free service for { -brand-name-firefox } account holders that makes it easy to find and save interesting articles and videos from all around the web. In addition, it recommends a variety of articles that expand your knowledge base curated by real, thoughtful humans.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • opera.ftl
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } and { -brand-name-opera } are two of the earliest browsers on the scene still releasing frequent updates. While { -brand-name-opera } has not reached the same level of user adoption as { -brand-name-firefox } or { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s maintained a relatively stable and loyal base over a sustained period of time. In this review, we’ll compare the { -brand-name-opera } browser with our { -brand-name-firefox } browser in terms of security and privacy, utility, and portability to help you choose which browser might be the best fit for you.
The { -brand-name-firefox-browser } and { -brand-name-opera } are two of the earliest browsers on the scene still releasing frequent updates. While { -brand-name-opera } has not reached the same level of user adoption as { -brand-name-firefox } or { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s maintained a relatively stable and loyal base over a sustained period of time. In this review, we’ll compare the { -brand-name-opera } browser with our { -brand-name-firefox } browser in terms of security and privacy, utility, and portability to help you choose which browser might be the best fit for you.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
If you use a Mac or have an { -brand-name-iphone }, chances are you’re familiar with the { -brand-name-safari } web browser. The fact that it’s pre-installed as the default browser for { -brand-name-apple } product users definitely gives it an early advantage, but { -brand-name-firefox } has its own set of useful features that make it an attractive alternative. Here we’ll explore the main differences between our browser and { -brand-name-safari } in terms of privacy, utility, and portability between devices.
If you use a Mac or have an { -brand-name-iphone }, chances are you’re familiar with the { -brand-name-safari } web browser. The fact that it’s pre-installed as the default browser for { -brand-name-apple } product users definitely gives it an early advantage, but { -brand-name-firefox } has its own set of useful features that make it an attractive alternative. Here we’ll explore the main differences between our browser and { -brand-name-safari } in terms of privacy, utility, and portability between devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
If you use a { -brand-name-mac-short } or have an { -brand-name-iphone }, chances are you’re familiar with the { -brand-name-safari } web browser. The fact that it’s pre-installed as the default browser for { -brand-name-apple } product users definitely gives it an early advantage, but { -brand-name-firefox } has its own set of useful features that make it an attractive alternative and can now be set as your default browser on your { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-iphone }. Here we’ll explore the main differences between our browser and { -brand-name-safari } in terms of privacy, utility and portability between devices.
If you use a { -brand-name-mac-short } or have an { -brand-name-iphone }, chances are you’re familiar with the { -brand-name-safari } web browser. The fact that it’s pre-installed as the default browser for { -brand-name-apple } product users definitely gives it an early advantage, but { -brand-name-firefox } has its own set of useful features that make it an attractive alternative and can now be set as your default browser on your { -brand-name-mac-short } and { -brand-name-iphone }. Here we’ll explore the main differences between our browser and { -brand-name-safari } in terms of privacy, utility and portability between devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • shared.ftl
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • shared.ftl
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