
Displaying 2 results for the string Your favorite extensions in en-US:

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Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • fingerprinting.ftl
If you have a commonly used laptop, PC or smartphone, it may be harder to uniquely identify your device through fingerprinting. However, the more unique add-ons, fonts, and settings you have, the easier you’ll be likely to find. Companies can use this unique combination of information to create your fingerprint. That's why { -brand-name-firefox } blocks known fingerprinting, so you can still use your favorite extensions, themes and customization without being followed by ads.
If you have a commonly used laptop, PC or smartphone, it may be harder to uniquely identify your device through fingerprinting. However, the more unique add-ons, fonts, and settings you have, the easier you’ll be likely to find. Companies can use this unique combination of information to create your fingerprint. That's why { -brand-name-firefox } blocks known fingerprinting, so you can still use your favorite extensions, themes and customization without being followed by ads.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • features • shared.ftl
Your favorite extensions
Your favorite extensions
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