
Displaying 23 results for the string mobile device in en-US:

Entity en-US en-US
Entity # all locales firefox_ios • firefox-ios.xliff
mobile device
mobile device
Entity # all locales browser • browser • newtab • asrouter.ftl
Great find! Now don’t be left without this bookmark on your mobile devices. Get Started with a { -fxaccount-brand-name }.
Great find! Now don’t be left without this bookmark on your mobile devices. Get Started with a { -fxaccount-brand-name }.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • fxaPairDevice.ftl
1. If you haven’t already, install <a data-l10n-name="connect-another-device">Firefox on your mobile device</a>.
1. If you haven’t already, install <a data-l10n-name="connect-another-device">Firefox on your mobile device</a>.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • fxaPairDevice.ftl
1. If you haven’t already, install <a data-l10n-name="connect-another-device">Firefox on your mobile device</a>.
1. If you haven’t already, install <a data-l10n-name="connect-another-device">Firefox on your mobile device</a>.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • fxaPairDevice.ftl
2. Open Firefox on your mobile device.
2. Open Firefox on your mobile device.
Entity # all locales browser • browser • preferences • preferences.ftl
Download Firefox for <img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="android-link">Android</a> or <img data-l10n-name="ios-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="ios-link">iOS</a> to sync with your mobile device.
Download Firefox for <img data-l10n-name="android-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="android-link">Android</a> or <img data-l10n-name="ios-icon"/> <a data-l10n-name="ios-link">iOS</a> to sync with your mobile device.
Entity # all locales mobile • overrides • netError.dtd
<ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your mobile device’s data or Wi-Fi connection. <button id='wifi'>Enable Wi-Fi</button> </li> </ul>
<ul> <li>The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.</li> <li>If you are unable to load any pages, check your mobile device’s data or Wi-Fi connection. <button id='wifi'>Enable Wi-Fi</button> </li> </ul>
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • 404.ftl
<a href={ $download }>Download</a> the { -brand-name-firefox } browser for your mobile device or desktop
<a href={ $download }>Download</a> the { -brand-name-firefox } browser for your mobile device or desktop
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • chromebook.ftl
Install { -brand-name-firefox } from { -brand-name-google-play } Store: on newer versions of { -brand-name-chromeos } (x86 based { -brand-name-chromebook } running { -brand-name-chromeos } 80 or later), you have the option to install the { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } app. This app is developed for mobile devices.
Install { -brand-name-firefox } from { -brand-name-google-play } Store: on newer versions of { -brand-name-chromeos } (x86 based { -brand-name-chromebook } running { -brand-name-chromeos } 80 or later), you have the option to install the { -brand-name-firefox } for { -brand-name-android } app. This app is developed for mobile devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
Both { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-firefox } also allow you to sync things like passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs across all your devices. If you have a { -brand-name-firefox } account, you can manually send an open tab on your desktop to your mobile device or vice versa. With { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s done automatically if you’ve chosen that setting in your preferences. Not having to manually send the tab from one device to the other is convenient when you want to do something like continue reading an article you didn’t finish earlier. But there could be times where automatic syncing might not be ideal if there’s a chance multiple users are browsing while signed in to your { -brand-name-google } account.
Both { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-firefox } also allow you to sync things like passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs across all your devices. If you have a { -brand-name-firefox } account, you can manually send an open tab on your desktop to your mobile device or vice versa. With { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s done automatically if you’ve chosen that setting in your preferences. Not having to manually send the tab from one device to the other is convenient when you want to do something like continue reading an article you didn’t finish earlier. But there could be times where automatic syncing might not be ideal if there’s a chance multiple users are browsing while signed in to your { -brand-name-google } account.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • chrome.ftl
Both { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-firefox } also allow you to sync things like passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs across all your devices. { -brand-name-firefox } though has the added security of a primary password that keeps all the saved logins and passwords under an additional set of lock and key. If you have a { -brand-name-firefox } account, you can manually send an open tab on your desktop to your mobile device or vice versa. With { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s done automatically if you’ve chosen that setting in your preferences. Not having to manually send the tab from one device to the other is convenient when you want to do something like continue reading an article you didn’t finish earlier. But there could be times where automatic syncing might not be ideal if there’s a chance multiple users are browsing while signed in to your { -brand-name-google } account.
Both { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-firefox } also allow you to sync things like passwords, bookmarks, and open tabs across all your devices. { -brand-name-firefox } though has the added security of a primary password that keeps all the saved logins and passwords under an additional set of lock and key. If you have a { -brand-name-firefox } account, you can manually send an open tab on your desktop to your mobile device or vice versa. With { -brand-name-chrome }, it’s done automatically if you’ve chosen that setting in your preferences. Not having to manually send the tab from one device to the other is convenient when you want to do something like continue reading an article you didn’t finish earlier. But there could be times where automatic syncing might not be ideal if there’s a chance multiple users are browsing while signed in to your { -brand-name-google } account.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
Almost all of the browsers compared here allow synchronization between desktop and mobile devices. You’ll need an account to do it, which you can use to log into the browser on all devices and synchronize things like passwords, browsing history, bookmarks and settings.
Almost all of the browsers compared here allow synchronization between desktop and mobile devices. You’ll need an account to do it, which you can use to log into the browser on all devices and synchronize things like passwords, browsing history, bookmarks and settings.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
The first thing to point out about portability is that not all browsers run on all operating systems. While { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-opera } work on all major systems and are easy to install, { -brand-name-ie }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-safari } only work on { -brand-name-microsoft } and Apple’s own systems. The mobile version of { -brand-name-safari } is pre-installed on Apple’s mobile devices, and most { -brand-name-android } devices come with a pre-installed browser modified by the manufacturer for the device. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-opera } can easily be installed and even used side by side.
The first thing to point out about portability is that not all browsers run on all operating systems. While { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome } and { -brand-name-opera } work on all major systems and are easy to install, { -brand-name-ie }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-safari } only work on { -brand-name-microsoft } and Apple’s own systems. The mobile version of { -brand-name-safari } is pre-installed on Apple’s mobile devices, and most { -brand-name-android } devices come with a pre-installed browser modified by the manufacturer for the device. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-opera } can easily be installed and even used side by side.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • index.ftl
The first thing to point out about portability is that not all browsers run on all operating systems. While { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-brave } and { -brand-name-opera } work on all major systems and are easy to install, { -brand-name-ie } and { -brand-name-safari } only work on { -brand-name-microsoft } and Apple’s own systems. The mobile version of { -brand-name-safari } is pre-installed on Apple’s mobile devices, and most { -brand-name-android } devices come with a pre-installed browser modified by the manufacturer for the device. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-brave }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-opera } can easily be installed and even used side by side.
The first thing to point out about portability is that not all browsers run on all operating systems. While { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-brave } and { -brand-name-opera } work on all major systems and are easy to install, { -brand-name-ie } and { -brand-name-safari } only work on { -brand-name-microsoft } and Apple’s own systems. The mobile version of { -brand-name-safari } is pre-installed on Apple’s mobile devices, and most { -brand-name-android } devices come with a pre-installed browser modified by the manufacturer for the device. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-brave }, { -brand-name-edge } and { -brand-name-opera } can easily be installed and even used side by side.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • compare • safari.ftl
The { -brand-name-firefox } app for <a { $ios }>{ -brand-name-ios }</a> and <a { $android }>{ -brand-name-android }</a> is one of the fastest browsers available and also has solid security and anti-tracking features — a huge plus if you’re constantly bouncing between a laptop and mobile devices.
The { -brand-name-firefox } app for <a { $ios }>{ -brand-name-ios }</a> and <a { $android }>{ -brand-name-android }</a> is one of the fastest browsers available and also has solid security and anti-tracking features — a huge plus if you’re constantly bouncing between a laptop and mobile devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
In the future, the web will likely stray further from its hypertext roots to become a vast sea of interactive experiences. Virtual reality has been on the horizon for decades (at least since the release of Lawnmower Man in 1992 and the Nintendo Virtual Boy in 1995), but the web may finally bring it to the masses. { -brand-name-firefox } now has support for <a href="{ $vr }">WebVR and A-Frame</a>, which let developers quickly and easily build virtual reality websites. Most modern mobile devices support <a href="{ $vr }">WebVR</a>, and can easily be used as headsets with simple cardboard cases. A 3D virtual reality web like the one imagined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson may be just around the corner. If that’s the case, the web browser itself may completely disappear and become a true window into another world.
In the future, the web will likely stray further from its hypertext roots to become a vast sea of interactive experiences. Virtual reality has been on the horizon for decades (at least since the release of Lawnmower Man in 1992 and the Nintendo Virtual Boy in 1995), but the web may finally bring it to the masses. { -brand-name-firefox } now has support for <a href="{ $vr }">WebVR and A-Frame</a>, which let developers quickly and easily build virtual reality websites. Most modern mobile devices support <a href="{ $vr }">WebVR</a>, and can easily be used as headsets with simple cardboard cases. A 3D virtual reality web like the one imagined by science fiction author Neal Stephenson may be just around the corner. If that’s the case, the web browser itself may completely disappear and become a true window into another world.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • browser-history.ftl
Today there are just a handful of ways to access the internet. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-safari } and { -brand-name-opera } are the main competitors. Mobile devices have emerged during the past decade as the preferred way to access the internet. Today, most internet users only use mobile browsers and <a href="{ $applications }">applications</a> to get online. Mobile versions of the major browsers are available for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } devices. While these apps are very useful for specific purposes, they only provide limited access to the web.
Today there are just a handful of ways to access the internet. { -brand-name-firefox }, { -brand-name-google } { -brand-name-chrome }, { -brand-name-microsoft } { -brand-name-edge }, { -brand-name-safari } and { -brand-name-opera } are the main competitors. Mobile devices have emerged during the past decade as the preferred way to access the internet. Today, most internet users only use mobile browsers and <a href="{ $applications }">applications</a> to get online. Mobile versions of the major browsers are available for { -brand-name-ios } and { -brand-name-android } devices. While these apps are very useful for specific purposes, they only provide limited access to the web.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • browsers • history • what-is-a-browser.ftl
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves information from other parts of the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, images and video are transmitted on the web. This information needs to be shared and displayed in a consistent format so that people using any browser, anywhere in the world can see the information.
A web browser takes you anywhere on the internet. It retrieves information from other parts of the web and displays it on your desktop or mobile device. The information is transferred using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which defines how text, images and video are transmitted on the web. This information needs to be shared and displayed in a consistent format so that people using any browser, anywhere in the world can see the information.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • facebook_container.ftl
The { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension is not available on mobile devices.
The { -brand-name-facebook-container } Extension is not available on mobile devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
While many users choose their favorite browser to use on their desktop computer, most never switch the pre-installed browser apps on their mobile devices.
While many users choose their favorite browser to use on their desktop computer, most never switch the pre-installed browser apps on their mobile devices.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
There are several great password managers on the market; some are encrypted with a master password, others with biometric features (fingerprint, face scan). Choose whichever works best for you – and maybe you want to give { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } a try? It will store all of your passwords securely and is available for your mobile devices as well as your desktop browser, so that you have your login information ready whenever you need it.
There are several great password managers on the market; some are encrypted with a master password, others with biometric features (fingerprint, face scan). Choose whichever works best for you – and maybe you want to give { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } a try? It will store all of your passwords securely and is available for your mobile devices as well as your desktop browser, so that you have your login information ready whenever you need it.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
There are several great password managers on the market; some are encrypted with a primary password, others with biometric features (fingerprint, face scan). Choose whichever works best for you – and maybe you want to give { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } a try? It will store all of your passwords securely and is available for your mobile devices as well as your desktop browser, so that you have your login information ready whenever you need it.
There are several great password managers on the market; some are encrypted with a primary password, others with biometric features (fingerprint, face scan). Choose whichever works best for you – and maybe you want to give { -brand-name-firefox-lockwise } a try? It will store all of your passwords securely and is available for your mobile devices as well as your desktop browser, so that you have your login information ready whenever you need it.
Entity # all locales mozilla_org • en • firefox • privacy • book.ftl
Today’s mobile devices typically have the ability to determine, store and share their location. That’s convenient for navigation or when you’ve lost your phone. At the same time though, this quite sensitive piece of information may also be used by apps, even if you don’t want it.
Today’s mobile devices typically have the ability to determine, store and share their location. That’s convenient for navigation or when you’ve lost your phone. At the same time though, this quite sensitive piece of information may also be used by apps, even if you don’t want it.
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